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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jan 7, 2006
I would appreciate any info or input on the best way to do product photography? I make handmade custom fishing lures,and I would like know the best way to photograph them..Thanks in advance...


macrumors member
Jun 9, 2007
You might want to take a look at the Picture of the Day thread. Freebooter posts a lot of really good pictures of insects. It may give you some ideas on how to set up a picture that looks professional and artistic as opposed to an ebay-esque snapshot. Be sure to use a macro lens to get the details.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I would appreciate any info or input on the best way to do product photography? I make handmade custom fishing lures,and I would like know the best way to photograph them..Thanks in advance...

The "standard" method is to mount the product over white of coloed paper background and then place some kind of frosted white translucent material over and around all sides of your little set. Place the lights outside of this and shoot through. The lighting will be very even and defuse.

Later go in with photoshop and "clone out" any supports you made (with wire or whatever) to hold the product. In the "old days" making the supports invisable was one of the hardest parts but now, you just paint them out.

You may not want perfectly uniform light so experiment using only ne light or with different difuser materials. For starts you can use a one galon plastic milk jug as your "light tent" but white nylon works and I've even used white xerox paper.

Use a white card to take a shot that yu can use the white balance all the others. Shoot a new white card shoot every tiome you move the lights.
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