Hi, I wanted to get your thoughts on a situation that has come up concerning a upcoming comp job. I photograph mixers for a local networking group a couple times a month, and their anniversary event is coming up at the end of the month. I was expecting to shoot as usual, as they are always pleased with my variety of shots.
I received an email on Friday letting me know that they would like to showcase the photos live with a different vendors service using wifi SD cards beaming the photos directly to the multiple projection screens.
I have used these cards for product/food shoots and have several issues with them not to mention that I shoot RAW and often take several shots with different technique until I get the shot I want. This is going to completely change my shooting style and Im bordering on asking them to use this service as a Photo Booth type area (as I have used these cards and ipad in the past) with a different photog, not with my roving event photography.
As it is now, the expectations are; entry step and repeat (lighting involved), overall room & event shots, detail shots, guest group and couples shots, speaker presentations, buffets and tray passed items, vendor tables and services, low light - DJ lighting - dancing.
Ive got my plate pretty full already and will be shooting for 5-6 hours. It just seems too stressful also taking on the live images part too!
Technically, I can do it. I have two SD card slots and can continue to shoot RAW and JPEG.
Am I making a big deal out of this? What would you do?
Any feedback would be helpful.
I received an email on Friday letting me know that they would like to showcase the photos live with a different vendors service using wifi SD cards beaming the photos directly to the multiple projection screens.
I have used these cards for product/food shoots and have several issues with them not to mention that I shoot RAW and often take several shots with different technique until I get the shot I want. This is going to completely change my shooting style and Im bordering on asking them to use this service as a Photo Booth type area (as I have used these cards and ipad in the past) with a different photog, not with my roving event photography.
As it is now, the expectations are; entry step and repeat (lighting involved), overall room & event shots, detail shots, guest group and couples shots, speaker presentations, buffets and tray passed items, vendor tables and services, low light - DJ lighting - dancing.
Ive got my plate pretty full already and will be shooting for 5-6 hours. It just seems too stressful also taking on the live images part too!
Technically, I can do it. I have two SD card slots and can continue to shoot RAW and JPEG.
Am I making a big deal out of this? What would you do?
Any feedback would be helpful.