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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 27, 2015

I need to build a couple of Music Studio desks (workstations) that will house an iMac each, multiple midi keyboards / synths and a pair of monitors (speakers).

I need to make EXACT and PRECISE cutting diagrams to pass to the timber merchant who will me making the non right-angle cuts.

I also need to allow exact measurements for draw sliders and rack mount frames etc.

So, can anyone recommend a user friendly (noob here at computer design tools) macOS application where I can build and accurately specify / work out all the pieces I need to make these 3 desks?

It would be helpful to, once I have a 'working' design, to be able to lay the pieces out, against the metal / wood sheeting sizes and work out if I can get multiple pieces from one sheet and where the cuts are and the measurements etc, to be able to pass to the associated yards.



macrumors 68040
Mar 21, 2014
Sketchup is indeed a pretty powerful tool, there's two versions now - Sketchup Make for personal/home and edu and Sketchup Pro for commercial use. If you consider Sketchup, check out the associated 3D Warehouse and be aware that Sketchup's owners (not Google) prefer that you buy a $700 license for Pro if you're doing commercial work (I have a few licenses for my offices), and the Pro version really shines when compared to Make.

Also consider the open source FreeCAD. Also, consider a local co-maker shop - the one I go to in Portland (which has a low-cost membership) has workstations with full licenses for Autodesk software including AutoCAD and Revit.
Google Sketchup is pretty noob friendly. I haven't used it personally.
FYI, it's Trimble Navigation Sketchup - Google sold it to Trimble 5 years ago…
[doublepost=1494959235][/doublepost]Adding in another option - Autodesk's Fusion 360 platform, I use it from time to time and it's pretty powerful. I have produced drawings from both 2D/3D space models. There is a freemium subscription for enthusiasts/start-ups; I'm creating drawings for a new business that I'm starting up later this year and using this license, which gets the Ultimate package - I use AutoCAD at work and I miss nothing in Fusion 360.

The link to the details about the freemium subscription:


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 27, 2015
Thank you everyone. I appreciate the helpful information. Time to put my learning head on! :)
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