Now is not a good time to buy a new CPU. Prices are insane, and products are missing from shelves from the mining craze. My advice is to look for used deals on Craigslist for the time being while the Vega cards become released and prices/products settle back on the shelves.
As mentioned above, some of the cards you've listed are above the Mac Pro's power capacity. It's possible to go above a TDP of 225w with some tweaks/mods, but I personally don't find it worth the effort when there's plenty of super fast cards that fall under the envelope.
A 7950 (RX 280) or a GTX 680 is a baseline choice (and the only choice) if you require boot screens. I wouldn't spend any effort going below these performance level of cards (from a gaming perspective). For me, they are not good enough, but they are astronomically faster than the 5770, so for $70 I made a wise choice obtaining a 7950 OC for the time being. These cards are also flashable. Keep in mind that currently, the 7950 does not play nice when flashed with a Windows EFI drive, so I chose to flash it back and just live without boot screens (which is easier than I thought after H9826790's help after getting the right version of bootcamp installed). Also keep in mind that if you are stubborn like me and demand a Windows EFI installation, SIP must be installed in order to boot back and forth without boot-screens. Easy to do.
I'd be looking for an RX 470, RX 480, GTX 980, GTX 1060, GTX 1070, and GTX 1080. I'm sure there's others, but these are the main big-dawgs.
For 1440p and VR, RX 480, 1070, and 1080.
Notice that I left the "Ti's off for a reason--they go above the power envelope of the supplied 2x 6-pin connectors.
Basically, if the card has two 6-pin connectors, there's no worry. If the card has a single 8-pin connector, there's no worry. If the card has one 6-pin connector, there's no worry. If the card has 1 6-pin and 1 8-pin, there's reason to worry and start doing research. If the card has 2 8-pin connectors, don't buy.