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Jan 24, 2018
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2015
Key West FL
My wife bought all 3 for her new Surface Laptop 3 last fall, though I think she's only used Publisher so far. After poking around in here copy of Photo, I picked up a copy for my self to eventually replace my aging Ps/CS4 when this sale began. After proving to myself that Photo will do perfectly well for my needs, I went ahead and bought my own copies of Designer (to replace my older CorelDRAW 14 and ancient Ai/CS2) given the extreme bargain pricing. I'm getting comfortable with Publisher and don't expect any migration issues with Designer. They seem to be very very solid apps and a flat out steal at the 50% off sale pricing.

My only issue is my ancient 68yo brain and my need to do my image editing with 4 slightly different interfaces; Affinity Photo on Win, Ps/CS4 on Win, and Ps/CC2020 on macOS remotely using RealVNC to run the Mac from my Win 10 SurfaceGo. I need to use the AdobeCC suite, primarily Ps Ai & Id, for my day job in Key West while I'm living and working remotely in Houston. I have found that the Affinity apps benefit greatly from having been "born in the same brain" as a set compared to Adobe's "blended family" of apps with widely varying parentage. The UI in the Affinity apps is much more consistent between the various apps.
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