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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 1, 2005
Hmm.. Well, I decided I want to get at least one more GOOD lens (for now) for my 350D, after seeing how terrible my current lenses are. I've read that there are some pretty versatile macro/micro lenses that can be used for stuff other than extreme close-ups (even portraits?).. I'd like to have a good focal length, so I don't have to be right up on the subject, but I also want a faster lens than my current lineup (absolute fastest I have is f/3.5!)... So yeah, anything at or under $300? Yes, I know it'll be used..


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Sigma 105 mm, or the Tamron 90 mm, or even the Tokina 100 f/2.8. Not sure about US pricing, but they're sure to be better than the prices for the Canon and Nikon versions of the same lens. ;)

They're all supposed to be quite good, as I haven't read anything very bad about any of them. Not sure. You may want to read some reviews.

I plan on getting a Sigma 105 mm for my Nikon, but wouldn't mind going for either of the other brands, really. I just want the Sigma because it gives me the most distance, but Tokina has incredible build quality, generally.
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