I know it should be simple but can't figure it out. Using AFNetworking-Master.
downloaded from GitHub.
But getting these errors.
I'm not great with Xcode setting, sorry if this is stupid error. very specific instructions are greatly appreciated.
i did disable Arc "-fno-objc-arc"
Also get parse errors on the ios example project.
using Xcode 4.2.iOS 5.0 If this is the cause where can I get. AFNetworking for it.
downloaded from GitHub.
But getting these errors.
I'm not great with Xcode setting, sorry if this is stupid error. very specific instructions are greatly appreciated.
Parse Issue - Expected a type
for all these: AFXMLRequestOperation.h,AFJSONRequestOperation.h,AFImageRequestOperation.h,AFPropertyListRequestOperation.h,AFPropertyListRequestOperation.h,AFNetworkActivityIndicatorManager.h
also getting #pragma message Directive: SystemConfiguration framework.
warning as well..
i did disable Arc "-fno-objc-arc"
Also get parse errors on the ios example project.
using Xcode 4.2.iOS 5.0 If this is the cause where can I get. AFNetworking for it.
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