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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 20, 2006
York, PA
Well I'm wrapping up my 3rd day with my 2.0 GHZ White Macbook so I think it's time for a little review.

This is my second Mac, my first was a loaded 12" PB.


Screen- The glossy screen isn't as bad as I thought. There is some eye fatigue, so in a dark room I turn the brightness way down, but the colors are really amazing. Not as much glare as people were complaining about. The 13" is an awesome size. It doesn't sound like a lot, but there is a lot of screen room compared to my 12" PB.

At first I could not see myself owning one of these. I didn't even like how it looked at the Apple store! After a couple days with it, it's really growing on me. The "iBook" look wares off quickly due to it's rectangular shape. So far, I've taken this thing to class for a day in my bag, and haven't had any problems with scratching or markings. Everyone at school loved it though, and said it looked a lot better than the computer I had Monday (my PB).

Another point I was a little concerned about. However, the key's feel really good! Not as nice as the Powerbook, but really close. Feels better than an iBook and the Apple keyboards. Spacing didn't take long to get used to.


Heat- These things get hotttt! Much hotter than my PB, and at some points I have to take it off my lap. I don't think it's enough to send it back to Apple, but it's enough to make my leg sweat after some use.

Plastic casing below keyboard-
The soft kinda rubber that is behind the keyboard and trackpads ends about 1 MM too soon. The plastic is pretty rough, and it hurts my wrists after some typing. I gotta keep my wrists higher or use my Macbook lower than me. Not sure what options there are to fix this.

Screen hinge-
As a music user, I like to be able to bend the screen back pretty far while I'm standing up to play and looking down at my desk. The Macbook screen only goes back about 2/3 of what the Powerbook does. This is my biggest complaint so far.

That's about all I got for everyone so far. I recommend a fresh install if you get the 60 GB. Skipping the language support and printers really helped me out. I kinda wish they would have came standard with an 80, but maybe I can upgrade that later.

Also, in case anyone is still wondering, in the user's manual it says the ram will only void the warrenty if you damage something while installing.

If anyone has any questions for me let me know! I hope this helps!

thanks for the review. I was wondering how the keyboard would be. I don't think i could take it, to be honest, with the spacing. It just throws me off for some reason. Glad to know that you're happy with your new toy:D
How about performance? I'm surprised you've only got 512 RAM in there... are you finding that sufficient?

Thanks for reviewing btw :)
Koodauw said:
But what did you do with the PB?

Well so far, nothing. My bro is gonna try and buy it off me this weekend. If not I guess I'll put it up on ebay. That was a great machine though, thanks.

How about performance? I'm surprised you've only got 512 RAM in there... are you finding that sufficient?

So how will you describe its performance?

Well I still haven't had time to try out any demanding apps. Little things seem quicker, like moving some files, and adding songs to my iTunes library.

For basic use, the 512 seems to be enough. This weekend I'm going to do some recording with my band, and I'll take the PB with me for a comparison. I think if I could get 1 GB in this it would really speed it up. I'm gonna see how the Omni RAM works out for people since it's so cheap, and then hopefully add some of that.

as a first timer, after 2 days i have FALLEN madly in love with my mac book....i got the mid level and added a gig stick so im working with 1.25 RAM which is working out great, im a power user and have so many windows open, its sooo smooth, i love the keyboard!!! SILENT!!!
i love Isight...its a godsend for me as i use it for my major AMER SIGN LANGUAGE, i have tons of deaf friends and now i can chat with them anywhere!!! batter life is great....i honestly dont have any complaints...maybe except for the HD space but i can upgrade that later down the line, but the future is looking bright for me and my baby mac!!:)
Forgot one!

Battery life: I haven't had time to calibrate it yet, but it shows about 3:45 mins with WIFI, 40% screen brightness (more than enough), iTunes, and Adium.

That's plenty for my needs.
cloudblood84 said:
as a first timer, after 2 days i have FALLEN madly in love with my mac book....i got the mid level and added a gig stick so im working with 1.25 RAM which is working out great, im a power user and have so many windows open, its sooo smooth, i love the keyboard!!! SILENT!!!
i love Isight...its a godsend for me as i use it for my major AMER SIGN LANGUAGE, i have tons of deaf friends and now i can chat with them anywhere!!! batter life is great....i honestly dont have any complaints...maybe except for the HD space but i can upgrade that later down the line, but the future is looking bright for me and my baby mac!!:)

I'm glad you like it too! Where did you get your ram from and how much?
cloudblood84 said:
as a first timer, after 2 days i have FALLEN madly in love with my mac book....i got the mid level and added a gig stick so im working with 1.25 RAM which is working out great, im a power user and have so many windows open, its sooo smooth, i love the keyboard!!! SILENT!!!
i love Isight...its a godsend for me as i use it for my major AMER SIGN LANGUAGE, i have tons of deaf friends and now i can chat with them anywhere!!! batter life is great....i honestly dont have any complaints...maybe except for the HD space but i can upgrade that later down the line, but the future is looking bright for me and my baby mac!!:)

oh and the sharp edges kinda wrist is gonna get all cut up
You said you only have the base 60 GB drive. When you first got it, how much was left after OS X and iLife and the other pre-installed apps?
isabel said:
How is the sound quality of the speakers?

Ye I wanna know how it compares to previous iBooks and Powerbook's, I tried them out in the Apple store but couldnt hear anything, mind you the Apple store Regents Street has such bad acoustics you can hardly hear an iMac's speakers on full blast,

isabel said:
How is the sound quality of the speakers?

Personally I find the speakers worse than my Powerbook's. The PB is def. louder. I turned the volume up maxed out on both, and I could hear the PB a lot more.

As far as quailty, it sounds like the Macbooks have a lot more treble. Personally, I like a more mid/low sounding speakers, so not having as much bass punch is a bummer. Overall though, they are fine for listening to iTunes when you wanna jam out. I wouldn't be using them to mix a recording or anything like that.

Also, under Audio-MIDI setup the MacBook can play out at 2ch-16,20, and 24 bit. My PB can only play 16 and 24 bit. I didn't notice a difference either way.
iamhammill said:
As far as quailty, it sounds like the Macbooks have a lot more treble. Personally, I like a more mid/low sounding speakers, so not having as much bass punch is a bummer. Overall though, they are fine for listening to iTunes when you wanna jam out. I wouldn't be using them to mix a recording or anything like that.

Use the equaliser in itunes and make the songs more bassy so you can hear it.l
Here's another topic!

Loudness- This runs much more quiet that my Powerbook G4. Every about 60 seconds it will do a quick "buzz" which sounds like a much more quiet version of what my Superdrive sounds like when I boot up. So far I haven't even heard my fans yet with 4 days of moderate use. I'll give an update after this weekend after I do some more intensive tasks.
iamhammill said:
Plastic casing below keyboard-[/B] The soft kinda rubber that is behind the keyboard and trackpads ends about 1 MM too soon. The plastic is pretty rough, and it hurts my wrists after some typing. I gotta keep my wrists higher or use my Macbook lower than me. Not sure what options there are to fix this.

thanks so much for the honest review-

having your wrists up higher is actually the proper position and healthier for your hands/wrists/arms.(helps prevent carpel tunnel.) however, i almost always rest my own on the keyboard or desk all the time.

oh yeah...sorry i didn't use capital wrists hurt! HA! :D :D
Thanks for the review iamhammill. I myself am considering going to the nearest Apple Store on Sunday and buying a MacBook- your review was definitely of help. :)
I don't have any games to test on, but I can do a comparison with my Powerbook G4 on HD playback.

I ran the Da Vinci Code Trailer 2 at 720p and 1080p. Here's the average FPS.

(1.5 GHZ, 1GB Ram, GeForce FX Go5200 64MB):

720p - 12 FPS
1080p - 7 FPS

(2.0 GHZ, 512 Ram, GMA950):

720p - 24 FPS
1080p - 24 FPS

iamhammill said:
I don't have any games to test on, but I can do a comparison with my Powerbook G4 on HD playback.

I ran the Da Vinci Code Trailer 2 at 720p and 1080p. Here's the average FPS.

(1.5 GHZ, 1GB Ram, GeForce FX Go5200 64MB):

720p - 12 FPS
1080p - 7 FPS

(2.0 GHZ, 512 Ram, GMA950):

720p - 24 FPS
1080p - 24 FPS


Thanks for the benchmark iamhammill. Looks like the MacBook did pretty well. :)
I'm just wondering how you find the FPS when playing a quicktme trailer or any video clip / game in general?
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