Great review Max! Since you have tried to use it with Thunderbolt Expansion Chassis, will you be interested in patching a file and see if we can get it to work?
Here are the instructions:
Make sure you have macOS 10.15.2
1. Disable System Integrity Protection
Since we are modifying system file, we need to disable SIP. Full instruction can be found at
1) Boot to Recovery OS by pressing Command and R keys at start up.
2) Open Terminal, and run
(If the Mac you are trying to patch is equipped with T2 coprocessor, you may need to set the mode to "No Security" by following the instruction at
2. Reboot to macOS
3. Mount Root Partition Read/Write
You can do so by running the following in terminal.
4. Backup file we are going to patch
cp /System/Library/Extensions/AppleAfterburner.kext/Contents/Info.plist ~/Desktop/AppleAfterburner.plist
5. Patch file
Here we are adding
key to the driver so macOS will try to load the extension for PCIe devices connected via Thunderbolt
sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :IOKitPersonalities:AfterburnerUserClient:IOPCITunnelCompatible bool true" /System/Library/Extensions/AppleAfterburner.kext/Contents/Info.plist
6. Reboot and try connect Thunderbolt Expansion Chassis with Afterburner Card to your Mac.
It would be really neat if this works. Having a portable Mac being able to decode multiple 8K streams would be interesting...
To remove the patch, you can do the following:
1. Mount Root Partition RW:
sudo mount -uw /
2. Restore patched file:
sudo cp ~/Desktop/AppleAfterburner.plist /System/Library/Extensions/AppleAfterburner.kext/Contents/Info.plist
3. Reboot to Recovery OS, re-enable SIP:
csrutil enable