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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 16, 2006
Hello! :D I want to get a new digital camera very soon but there are just way too many to choose from. Here is basically what I want:

- Rechargable lithium ion battery. (This camera I have eats batteries like hellll. take two pictures and buh bye. Tired of recharging) One that can connect to an outlet, not the computer via USB. I'm not always going to have a computer with me ;)

-5MP is desired. I don't really need anything higher.

-3x zoom. Seems to be the default.

-Size? Big enough to go in my pocket and not look like a bulge. :eek:

-Price range - 220 - 240 US so like 250 CAN.

Basic Stats I could think of. It's really hard to find a lithium ion battery camera. Its like they aren't made.... Maybe I'm making it up. lol. Thanks everyone. :)


macrumors G4
Have a look at the Fuji F10/11 and the Casio's. Both have very impressive batteries. I have the F10 and it's reported to have a 500 shot battery life. I've haven't counted for definite but it can certainly take a heavy day of snapshots (7am to 11pm around the Grand Canyon and Vegas) without running down. I bought it in October and I'm pretty sure that I've only charged it 3 or 4 times in 8 months.


macrumors 6502
Jan 31, 2005
So. UT
The Finepix F10 is the highest rated small camera I've found. I ended up buying a Panasonic FX9 instead. The Panny has a true image stabilization feature, and frankly, it looked better. I bought it refurbished for $219 on ebay. One downside to the FX9- USB 1, not 2= slow. I use a card reader though, so it's no problem (or you could buy an SD card that plugs straight into the computers USB port.

I love the Panasonic. The screen is awesome (higher res. than the Fuji). Both good choices in my opinion.

PS- I labored over the same decisions as you are. There are so many cameras in this category it's not even funny. It was between these two cameras though. Good luck!!


macrumors 6502
Jan 31, 2005
So. UT
MacTT said:
Wow the Fuji F10 sounds really nice. and looks nice ;)

Too bad its $400. Out of my budget. (Wanna get a new iPod :p )

I think the most important feature is the lithium ion battery, no-need computer to charge, Camera.

If you're comfortable, try ebay and also look on You can find the F10 for cheaper than $400. My FX9 came with a li-ion battery and an external charger.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 16, 2006
Applespider said:
Really? It's under £200 in the UK so I figured it would be just about at budget. Sorry for getting your hopes up!

Yeah, Canadian is like 2.3 times more than pounds. Its sad :( Thanks.

Thanks fanbrain, checking ebay.


macrumors 6502
Jan 31, 2005
So. UT

Over Achiever

macrumors 68000
I really like my FX-9 and it's image stabilization, but while you'll get clear shots, the F10 will be much better in low light due to it's higher ISO flexibility.

There appears to be some noticible vignetting (dimming at the corners) but unless you look at the picture carefully or stitching together panoramas, isn't that bad. The FX-9 pictures can be a bit noisy at higher settings, I use Noise Ninja for that.

But I got mine for $280, I'm sure it's lower now.

Otherwise, Canons are very popular. Look for an older SD model, should be in your price range. Can't really go wrong with Canon =)
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