chipmonks and transpose solutions for GB???
chipmunk sounds.
Got the same problem.
So, does that mean that I have to 1st:
open sound file w/ QT6 Pro
then export as a "Stereo?" 44.1 aiff file.
Then I won't get chipmunks in Garage Band?
Also, what about being able to transpose
stuff after it has been imported into GB.
Do I have to use Apple Loop Utility or what
in order to have ability to transpose any loop I make?
Want to import sound (any sound) have it run at it's original pitch and speed,
then be able to transpose it any which way I want.
In otherwords, just like a regular old GB Loop that came w/ the Program.
Anybody got the answer for import, pitch and transpose into GB?
Thanks in Advance......
DangerLaef said:
I've just attempted to import some 44.1k AIFF samples,
& they run ridiculously fast.
What sample rate should I be using?
The transpose option seems to be unavailable for imported AIFFs.
Is there away to slow the sample down once it's imported?