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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 3, 2007

My iTunes just said there's an update for AIM. It said 1.0 next to it. Is that really an update? And is there any release info on what is new or fixed?

Weird it's grabbed Myspace too.. 1.0

Maybe my stuff is messed up hehe
epic fail :)

Probably because i restored my phone last night.. :p
i just opened up itunes and it said there was a aim update. i havent reset my phone or anything and ive had aim since the app store opened.

how wierd!
Any noticeable upgrades, like it not sucking?

It's AIM, you already answered your question :p

I honestly think people keep refreshing there apps to be at the top of the sort by date list in the itunes store. It's really annoying. Apple should do something about it.
It's AIM, you already answered your question :p

I honestly think people keep refreshing there apps to be at the top of the sort by date list in the itunes store. It's really annoying. Apple should do something about it.

Like maybe sorting by rating so they have to make good apps?
Today they just updated to 1.1 no noticeable difference.
Like maybe sorting by rating so they have to make good apps?

...Have you seen how unbelievably stupid most reviewers are? You don't even have to buy an app to review it. The majority of people just say, "TOO EXPENSIVE' or "WHO CARES I DNT LIV IN SWEDEN" or a plethora of other stupid crap.
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