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d wade

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 27, 2006
Boca Raton, FL
is there any way to import my buddy list from my aol/aim screen name to my iChat? ive looked but i cant figure it out.
When I set mine up, I clicked the aim option (versus the .mac) and typed in my normal aim information (username and password) and it did it for me. Did you type in your aim info when you set up iChat?
No, you can't. Sorry. :(

You would have to log in on a Windows machine with AIM software and then update it.
Your username, password, and buddy list are stored server side. You just connect to it using your client. It doesn't matter if you use AIM, iChat, GAIM, Adium X, Trillian, Miranda, Fire, etc. You're going to connect to the same service and get the same data.
If you're using a new screen name, you can use AIM for Mac to export from the old one and import into the other.
i dont remember setting anything up (selecting aim or .mac when i set up ichat). i might have, but i was so excited when i got the mac i was just doing everything at once.

my ichat screen name is the same as my .mac account email addy... i like this as an alternative to giving out my AOL screen name that i created when i was 16. i use that to talk to old friends, but i'd like to use my new ichat for more mature conversations.

its not really a big deal, ill just add them little by little when i have spare time to kill. thanks for the help!
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