I am trying to export a pdf file from my Mac to my iPhone using Airdrop. How to I add my iPhone to my Airdrop list of recipients? I have searched and have come up empty.
I am trying to export a pdf file from my Mac to my iPhone using Airdrop. How to I add my iPhone to my Airdrop list of recipients? I have searched and have come up empty.
Read the section entitled "If you can't see the other device in AirDrop"
View attachment 1838751Use AirDrop to send items to nearby Apple devices
Use AirDrop to send photos, videos, and more to a Mac, iPhone, or iPad.support.apple.com
With Personal Hotspot turned off?!?!?! WTF? I guess this might be why my attempts to share files between my phone and mbp have been spotty at best! Normally my phone sees the mbp but won't send a file to it.
Thanks for that @usagora
Personal hotspot off
So what does that mean to you? There is no "on/off" toggle for it - only an "Allow Others to Join" option (i.e. people not signed in on your Apple ID). Is that the toggle you're using to "turn it off" (even though it doesn't use that verbiage)? But even if that option is off, couldn't one of your devices signed into your Apple ID still connect to the Personal Hotspot? I'm so confused, LOL!
As I understood it "allow others to join" was the on/off switch, but as you indicated my devices can still connect to the hotspot even with that toggled off, I had never tried that before today.