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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 4, 2007
Maryland, USA
I have both MobileFinder and Air Sharing on my (jailbroken) iPhone. I like them both for different reasons. MobileFinder is a lot more powerful and allows me to manage my files by moving them around and renaming them (and also has more complete support for iWork documents), while Air Sharing tends to be more stable and also has a nicer user interface.

If possible, I would like to set up my iPhone so that Air Sharing and MobileFinder both point to the same place for their files. That way I can use Air Sharing most of the time, but when I need to open an iWork document or move or rename my files, I can turn to MobileFinder.

I have tried replacing Air Sharing's documents directory with a symbolic link to the MobileFinder documents directory, however doing so causes Air Sharing to crash with an error that says "Unable To Start Air Sharing. Operation could not be completed. (Cocoa error 512.)" Attempting to put the files in the Air Sharing documents directory and linking MobileFinder to Air Sharing's produces a nearly identical result (another Cocoa error, I believe 512 again).

Then I tried leaving Air Sharing's documents directory intact and simply placing symlinks to each MobileFinder subdirectory inside Air Sharing's documents directory and hoping that would work. All it left me with was inaccessible ~80 byte files that did nothing, as you can see below.


I'm out of ideas at this point. Does anyone have any idea how this can be done?

Thanks in advance.
If possible, I would like to set up my iPhone so that Air Sharing and MobileFinder both point to the same place for their files.

I got this to work using Mobile Finder from Cydia. I'm assuming that's what you're using? I just went into Mobile Finder's settings and told it to start in Air Sharing's folder, and not to remember its last location.


That "~Applications/" folder is actually "/private/var/mobile/Applications" and only has the "~" because I have System File Access off. Once you find which long character string has the Air Sharing app, point Mobile Finder to "Documents/Air Sharing/" inside of it.
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