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macrumors member
Original poster
May 22, 2011
I have a MacPro in my office with all my DVD and Blu-Ray movies running InMethod Air Video Server. This is great when I want to want movies from my iPhone or iPad when connected to my WiFi network, but what is the best way to view these movies on my LCD TV?

Will Apple TV 2 work? Or does it need to be jailbroken?

Any other devices (PS3, Logitech Revue) able to read the InMethod server software?
So you have an ipad, then with apple tv 2 you can stream from your computer to your ipad then airplay it to your TV

All you need is the Beta version of air video server on your computer installed and youll be able to airplay anything from your ipad to your tv from a the app.
Yes, it works great

I can confirm this works as described above, I do it all the time to watch older media that I can't be bothered converting to iTunes/Apple TV compatible formats. The quality is surprisingly good (to me), and even handles high-bitrate 720p stuff reasonably well over wireless G. I really need to purchase this app instead of using the free limited one...

As an aside, it seems that Airplay hands-off the streaming from your iPhone/iPad so that the AppleTV ends up talking directly to the AirVideo server (or You Tube or whatever site your are Airplaying content from). I could put my phone to sleep once the streaming started and it continued playing on the Apple TV.
I stream 30GB 1:1 MKV Blu Ray rips using airvideo server on my macbook pro using iPad2 and appletv2 works like a dream.
Thanks everyone, looks like there will be a AppleTV 2 in my future. Cheers.
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