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Original poster
Jan 18, 2005
I'm working on a site for a model friend of mine. She's sent me over a CD full of raw photos and to save time/money she wants me to airbrush them for her. they're to be shrunk down considerably (a max of 400x400 I believe) so I don't need to be absolutely perfect. Any tips for airbrushing? I've never really tried anything like this before and I don't want to appear too amateur :cool:


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
raggedjimmi said:
I'm working on a site for a model friend of mine. She's sent me over a CD full of raw photos and to save time/money she wants me to airbrush them for her.

"Airbrush" is a generic term. With Photoshop or Gimp you'd more than likely be using the "clone tool" rather then the airbrush tool. I assume the intent is to remove skin blemishes.


Original poster
Jan 18, 2005
Yea sorry :) I just call it what my mum used to call it. She just told me to "do the pics up", but yea just to remove blemishes etc. I've seen some that look like they've used a horrible blur, but some keep the skin texture - that's what I'm after.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
raggedjimmi said:
Yea sorry :) I just call it what my mum used to call it. She just told me to "do the pics up", but yea just to remove blemishes etc. I've seen some that look like they've used a horrible blur, but some keep the skin texture - that's what I'm after.

That's what the clone tool does. it picks up skin from a "good" area and draws it on top of the bad spot. Give it a fuzzy edge and not set the transparency to (guessing) 50% or so.


macrumors 68000
Jun 29, 2006
Good luck! Airbrushing well is pretty hard (at least for me), since most times it just ends up looking overdone and plastic-y.


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
raggedjimmi said:
I'm working on a site for a model friend of mine. She's sent me over a CD full of raw photos and to save time/money she wants me to airbrush them for her. they're to be shrunk down considerably (a max of 400x400 I believe) so I don't need to be absolutely perfect. Any tips for airbrushing? I've never really tried anything like this before and I don't want to appear too amateur :cool:

Scott Kelby has a book called something like "Photoshop for digital photographers" and a book called something like "55 Killer Photoshop Tricks" -- they're both worth-while for learning how to retrouch images in Photoshop.


macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2005
Try using this tool instead of the clone stamp tool... i think its called the spot healing brush in english, but i'm not sure so I posted a picture.

Then make the changes on a new layer, that way if you go overboard and it looks plastic-y you can lower the opacity or apply a layer mask to cover that part up.... but in order for the brush to work you have to sample from all layers (see the second images)


  • Unbenannt-2.jpg
    47.1 KB · Views: 940
  • Unbenannt-3.jpg
    41.1 KB · Views: 99


macrumors 6502
Oct 14, 2006
Planet Earth
raggedjimmi said:
I'm working on a site for a model friend of mine. She's sent me over a CD full of raw photos and to save time/money she wants me to airbrush them for her. they're to be shrunk down considerably (a max of 400x400 I believe) so I don't need to be absolutely perfect. Any tips for airbrushing? I've never really tried anything like this before and I don't want to appear too amateur :cool:

Try using the healing brush tool with a feathered brush. Zoom in to the area to be fixed, and apple clic (pc alt) on a usable surface. Brush over the blemish
don't just let it remain or you may get a circle outline.


macrumors 6502
Oct 14, 2006
Planet Earth
Mydriasis said:
Try using this tool instead of the clone stamp tool... i think its called the spot healing brush in english, but i'm not sure so I posted a picture.

Then make the changes on a new layer, that way if you go overboard and it looks plastic-y you can lower the opacity or apply a layer mask to cover that part up.... but in order for the brush to work you have to sample from all layers (see the second images)

Sorry missed this one, very good advice. :p
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