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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 15, 2019
Seattle, WA
I am having no luck with searches using Airmail 3 for Mac. Does not matter what I enter in the search field, there are NO RESULTS.
For example, I opened a random one year old email from my stepdad and he mentioned the family cat, Kita. I entered "kita" into the search field and there were no results - NONE.

I followed this up by doing the same search on Airmail for IOS on my iPhone and...success!.. the email from my stepdad showed up in the search results, and several other emails with Kita mentioned in the body as well.

Why does the search feature work on my iPhone (and iPad) and not on the Mac?? My emails go back a number of years (after using Entourage/Outlook forever) and it is important to find old emails.

Is there a setting somewhere that is turned off on Airmail for Mac? Something else?
FYI-I do not use a gmail account.

Thanks in advance.
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