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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 22, 2020
I own three Airport Express' (2nd Generation) that I use strictly as Airplay access points for speakers. All are on firmware version 7.8.1. They worked great for several years as Airplay access points. However, roughly a year ago I began noticing these devices dropping Airplay randomly. There seems to be no pattern to it. Sometimes it will drop the airplay signal within a few minutes. Sometimes I can stream for over an hour before the signal drops. They do not drop in unison. For example if I am streaming to all 3, one of them may drop while the other two continue streaming. I've tried using different streaming devices (iPhones, iPads, Macs) but the issue is consistent regardless of the streaming device. I've tried rolling back the Airport firmware, but the issue persists.
I also have AppleTV's, and they do not suffer the same problem. Basically I can stream to an AppleTV indefinitely. The same is true for other Airplay 2 compatible devices. The problem is specific to the three Airplay Express units I own.

When the Airplay signal drops, I am unable to immediately reconnect. To reconnect, I either have to wait a few minutes (roughly 2-3), or I can reset the Airport (unplug/re-plug).

My primary Router is an Asus RT-AX58U. I'm thinking the issue may be network related. I know enough to setup a basic home network, but I am not an expert in networking.

Has anyone else run into this problem? Any troubleshooting recommendations?


Jan 2, 2013
Has anyone else run into this problem? Any troubleshooting recommendations?

I think I have the same problem, or a similar one. But I don't think I have any good recommendations.

My issue involves AirPlay from iPhone/iPad to HomePods instead of AirPort Expresses. However, my network is made of Airport Extremes and Time Capsules, and the symptoms are similar, so maybe it's an issue related to the Airport family of products? (It could also just be coincidence, since HomePods aren't reliable in general for several people.)

My current guess is that it's related to the devices' automatically switching from Airport to Airport--for example, if my iPhone or HomePod switches from a bedroom Airport to one that's not in the bedroom. (I'm not sure, though, if Airport Expresses do that auto-switching thing or if that's only an Extreme/Time Capsule feature.)


Jun 30, 2007
First thing I would look at is network contention with a program such as WiFi Explorer.


macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
I own three Airport Express' (2nd Generation) that I use strictly as Airplay access points for speakers. All are on firmware version 7.8.1. They worked great for several years as Airplay access points. However, roughly a year ago I began noticing these devices dropping Airplay randomly. There seems to be no pattern to it. Sometimes it will drop the airplay signal within a few minutes. Sometimes I can stream for over an hour before the signal drops. They do not drop in unison. For example if I am streaming to all 3, one of them may drop while the other two continue streaming. I've tried using different streaming devices (iPhones, iPads, Macs) but the issue is consistent regardless of the streaming device. I've tried rolling back the Airport firmware, but the issue persists.
I also have AppleTV's, and they do not suffer the same problem. Basically I can stream to an AppleTV indefinitely. The same is true for other Airplay 2 compatible devices. The problem is specific to the three Airplay Express units I own.

When the Airplay signal drops, I am unable to immediately reconnect. To reconnect, I either have to wait a few minutes (roughly 2-3), or I can reset the Airport (unplug/re-plug).

My primary Router is an Asus RT-AX58U. I'm thinking the issue may be network related. I know enough to setup a basic home network, but I am not an expert in networking.

Has anyone else run into this problem? Any troubleshooting recommendations?
What you are experiencing is a dying Airport. Those were the same symptoms I had on mine and then 2 months later after they started it died.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
AirPlays mysterious nature (on the consumers end) makes it difficult to diagnose issues with. Mysterious nature meaning where the source audio is located, where the playback hardware is streaming it from, and protocols its using. AirPlay streaming from a device or a link handed over and streamed from the internet is nearly invisible on the users end.

Reboot and/or power cycle everything. Network Protocols like Bonjour that AirPlay system relies on can get wonky without effecting normal network traffic.

Also check using 1st party apps (ex Music app). An apps implementation of AirPlay can cause issues just from app updates. YouTube is especially bad for this since its using its own player implementation isn't just a checkbox. Since audio playback across devices isn't prioritized an update that breaks it can slip past QC.


macrumors newbie
Sep 8, 2016
Did you ever get this figured out? Just started happening to mine and nothing seems to work.
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