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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 22, 2010
I can use Airplay with videos and audio from my library, but i can't get the streaming to work. When i select apple tv nothing happens. Anyone have any ideas?
I do it by starting Pandora playing through the iPad or iPhone internal speakers then hitting the home button twice to bring up the multi-task bar, swiping left to right, and then selecting the AppleTV or Airport Express/speakers I want to play through from the drop-down menu (icon of a file with an arrow). A similar process works for any other audio that doesn't have Airplay functionality built in.

I'm sure there are better ways, but to find them would mean reading the instructions <shudder>.
I do it by starting Pandora playing through the iPad internal speakers then hitting the home button twice to bring up the multi-task bar, swiping left to right, and then selecting the Airport Express/speakers I want to play through from the drop-down menu (icon of a file with an arrow). A similar process works for any other audio that doesn't have Airplay functionality built in.

I'm sure there are better ways, but to find them would mean reading the instructions <shudder>.
That's the same I do and it works perfectly.
Could someone tell me if I'm doing something wrong or if I'm looking for a non-existent feature? When I use AirPlay with Pandora, I can only select a single source and I want to pick and choose between about 6 different Apple TVs/Airport Express units.
Could someone tell me if I'm doing something wrong or if I'm looking for a non-existent feature? When I use AirPlay with Pandora, I can only select a single source and I want to pick and choose between about 6 different Apple TVs/Airport Express units.

first, please don't dig up an old thread thats mildly related, and add on. Start a new one, it keeps things from getting confusing when people go to answer the old question. and starting a new thread is just as easy.

from an iOS device, you can only stream to one destination at a time
fron iTunes, you can stream to multiple simultaneous locations.

if you want pandora, look into airfoil, it lets you stream audio from other programs besides iTunes. it will also stream to multiple simultaneous locations. and offers some other options.
stream from:
any one program on mac or windows, or whole system audio
stream to:
airport express
iOS app
airfoil speakers - a program that runs on windows mac and linux.

there is about a 2 second delay due to buffering. it's there in iTunes also, but they delay the local interface to match the output.
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