I think I'm in love. I can stream movies to the Apple TV from my iPad, then multitask to do other stuff, then if I leave the room I can pull the video back to the iPad and continue watching it! It's like a dream come true for me 
I think I'm in love. I can stream movies to the Apple TV from my iPad, then multitask to do other stuff, then if I leave the room I can pull the video back to the iPad and continue watching it! It's like a dream come true for me![]()
I'm jealous. Can't seem to get video from my iPhone to my ATV. I'm currently enjoying streaming Pandora to my stereo though.![]()
Wouldn't it be easier to just play the same videos via iTunes Home Sharing? Presumably, any video on the iPhone/iPad is already sync'ed to your desktop iTunes.
Personally, I was hoping to be able to AirPlay-push the videos that AREN'T normally in my iTunes library... e.g. XviD videos, camera roll videos, etc. But apparently, none of this is supported by AirPlay.. As it stands, AirPlay doesn't do much for me and my typical use cases![]()
I thought that with the 4.3 update I would be able to "pull" content -Movies/Videos mainly- from my iTunes library and play it on my iPad. No such luck!! I would love to be able to watch a video -that resides in iTunes- on my iPad through AirPlay and Home Sharing. This seems impossible to achieve. I can send it to AppleTV with no problem, but when I hit "Play" on the video -through the Remote app- it starts playing on my MacBook Pro. If I'm lying in bed and my MBP is three rooms away, what good is that to me?? Am I doing something wrong, or I'm correct in not being able to do it?
I think I'm in love. I can stream movies to the Apple TV from my iPad, then multitask to do other stuff, then if I leave the room I can pull the video back to the iPad and continue watching it! It's like a dream come true for me![]()
Adding in AirVideo and this is just a killer combo. With this $2.99 cent app, i can watch any video that's on my computer, not just the apple formatted ones. Saves converting with handbreak and works on AppleTV flawlessly (though i have not tried 720p content yet).
I am loving AirPlay and it has so much potential. A few issues I am having, should I be able to send video from my iPad to my appleTV and the use multitasking on the iPad to surf while the video still plays on the ATV. Currently I can not.
Hi How did you manage to get all your movies working with apple tv2? I have purchased air video today and all i can get is audio to my atv2 while the movie plays on my ipad? I taught this whole idea of airplay was to transfer video to tv?
P.S youtube video transfer no prob![]()
You need to have the latest beta of air video server installed. http://www.inmethod.com/forum/posts/list/3039.page
If you do, I've read that you need to restart appletv, iPad, and airvideo server and that will solve the problem.
I am looking forward to this... of course I need to get an Apple TV first![]()