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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 12, 2011
Assume we have no external WIFI. There is an iphone, and an Airplay-enabled speaker. Is there a way to turn on the iphone hotspot feature, and connect the airplay-enabled speaker to that hotspot; in order to:

1 - stream music stored on the iphone to the speaker;

2 - stream 3G music (say, Pandora) from the iphone to the speaker?
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no response? really??

Typically when there is no response it means a couple of things. First the question being asked is not very well thought out and is extremely wishfull thinking that will never happen so nobody takes the time to respond. Second you have to give it some time... 1 1/2 days really isn't that long for nobody to respond... Not trying to be a tool but you have to use common sense and you also have to use that search tool in the upper right corner... just food for thought...


Also forgot to mention... You should check out the Universal Dock... It does exactly what you are wanting it to do... and for 6/10ths the price...
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A334 Safari/7534.48.3)

Would it not be easier to set the airport up as its ownwifi network and then connect the phone to that?
no response? really??

In addition to what craigsharp said you might want to read the MacRumors FAQ/Rules. Below is the pertinent part.

MacRumors FAQ/Rules said:
8. Bumps. Posts that bring a thread to the top of the New Posts list but add no content to the thread (bumps) are not permitted. This applies not only to posts that say "bump" but to those with the intent to bump, e.g. posts saying "anyone?" or the equivalent. See why and how to avoid bumping.
Airport express will do it.

Airport express is still an external WIFI that needs power. I am talking about a portable configuration; with the speaker running on battery.


In addition to what craigsharp said you might want to read the MacRumors FAQ/Rules. Below is the pertinent part.

I was not bumping the thread; I was simply pointing out the fact that this would be an extremely useful solution (intuitively one would think hotspot is kind of a wifi and that's all you need for airplay) and I refuse to believe I am the first person on earth who thought of this.
A Bluetooth solution i.e. Creatives D100 or 200 speakers require no Internet connection.

Plus dirt cheap compared to AirPlay devices.
A Bluetooth solution i.e. Creatives D100 or 200 speakers require no Internet connection.

Plus dirt cheap compared to AirPlay devices.

and they have a 12-bit word as opposed to Airplay's 16-bit... translating to lower dynamic range. Before moving to airplay I tried bluetooth and I can tell the difference.
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