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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 16, 2011
Eau Claire, WI
Just thought I would let you all know that Micro Center has all the colors for $450 at the moment (Labor day special everywhere else is $489)

also fyi, Best Buy will price match Micro Center.
The fact that these are getting marked down so steeply and less than a year from release is not a good sign at all. I love my AirPods Max but I doubt there will ever be a new model.
all of the airpod variations seem to constantly have sales or markdowns going on, can't really just say its only the max model.
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Well yeah, after they were around for a while. But I don’t think the Airpods or AirPods Pro were marked down in under 12 months from launch by almost 20%. Apple had a hard time even meeting demand in the first 6 months for those models.

But id be happy to be proven wrong on that.
I think you’re right. AirPods Pro are marked down, now, but they were constantly at MSRP for the first year.
AirPods Max at 550 is a tough sell, especially when their competitors from Sony and Bose are much lower than that. Hope they don’t suffer the same fate as the HomePod
I don't know how they've sold or what the future holds for the next generation. I feel like Sony and Bose kind of set the market for noise cancelling blue tooth headphones. QC35s and XM4s have listed around $350 and have often been available for considerably less. The Bose 799s are $399. I have to think the Airpods Max was kind of a tough sell at $549. I had no interest in spending that much money on a pair of bluetooth headphones. My ears are not really audiophile quality. And it's not really a headphone designed for true audiophiles. At $449 they are kind of on my radar. Their biggest selling point for ME is actually the transparency mode. There are many times I need to be aware of my environment. I just think the initial price really reduced appeal.
They are gonna end up like homepods. $450 is a great price.
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