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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 16, 2015
Hello, I have the AirPod max with lightning to jack cable and edit in Final Cut with it but I have some issues :
- I manage the sound volume from my Mac but i can manage the sound volume from the AirPod max too ! So I never know how to deal with 2 sound volume ?
- my voice volume is good compare to the music with the AirPod max but not when I hear with the speaker from my Mac (much lower)
- i don’t know how to manage with noise cancellation when I edit , it seem to don’t give me accurate sound ?

Do you have this issues too ? Do you manage with it or AirPods Max are not build to edit accurately in Final Cut ?
For accurate sound editing I would think you need some good nearfield audio monitors (not to mention a properly sound-tuned room) and/or a set of accurate, professional-level over the ear headphones.
thanks for your reply and I’m agree with you and I have near field audio but for evening editing without disturbing around me I need headphone and I naively think that a 450 $ apple headphone will work great with final cut ! And all the reviewer said the sound quality is very good and accurate for listening music but it seem not good to editing video ;(
I'd suggest just doing editing using the AirPods Pro Max, and hold anything involving tone or balance for when you can use monitors.
Ok will try to find a workflow and compare with my audio setup to find the right balance . Thanks . But other people edit in Final Cut with AirPod max ?
There’s a reason why sound mixes and balancing levels and EQ are only done with monitor speakers in professional sound studios. We all hear sound in a room the same, but if you shoot the sound down your ear canal, there is no consistency. Because of something called head related transfer function, or HRTF, our individual head shapes modify sound in headphones. One person hears the sound differently than anyone else. For production, use speakers.
Thanks a lot for you mr very good explanation ;) but I already have monitor ;) but evening I cannot put he volume because my wife and kids are not very far . So I need headphone juts for the evening or on the go. At the beginning I want to buy the beyerdynamic DT770 but I wish to use headphone to listen music too. I tried the DT770 and don’t like them for listening music but seem neutral to edit video . I end up to buy the AirPods Max because was thinking to use them both to listen music and edit video on the go or the quiet evening ;)
Get whatever headphones sound best to you, and listen to music and edit with them.
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