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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 30, 2021
I just finished seven straight days of Zoom sessions that kept me connected for about 4 hours each day. This was a global group and I much prefer AirPods over my pc speakers so I use BT to connect my AirPod Pros for the Zoom audio.

I think on most days that the AirPod Pro batteries went about 3 hours before getting the battery warning. At least 3 days, I just gave up and switched to my pc speakers. Fortunately, I did not need to speak that late in the session and I would prefer not to depend on the Logitech camera microphone.

The Apple page about AirPod Pro battery life is vague as it simply lists (note 3) a range of things - including "many other factors" - that can impact its performance. Have others connecting to the pc via BT also seen poor battery performance with AirPod Pros?

For Apple's list, see the well known

I have had this set of AirPod Pros for less than one year. If there is something to investigate I suppose I need to find the receipt since I likely missed the allowed time of when I purchased the iP 12 Pro with AC.
Have you had any damage to the AirPods such as dropping them or other things recently?
No. I have two sets of AirPod Pros and distinguish them by distinctive cases. After a mishap with the first set, I bought the second set needed for international but this set is always in a safe environment (external and home offices).
Did it help?
Sorry, I had to walk my dog and will try momentarily.
I must say after 7 days of intense Zoom I am not inclined to hook up my AirPods to my pc and listen to music for over 3 hours. I suppose there is another way to do this, but I was surprised when they stopped working.
I obviously do not know how this works, but recently I started playing Apple Music that utilizes Spatial Audio. I selected this feature in my AirPod Pros, but thought that technology applied only when is source made used of the technology which would not be the case with Zoom audio.
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