LinkMarques Brownlee (MKBHD) said in his video Apple told him the sound is identical.
Marques Brownlee (MKBHD) said in his video Apple told him the sound is identical.
Apple reps have been known to be wrong; for example one told AppleInsider there was only one Thunderbolt 3 chip in the new mini when there are actually two. I’m sure someone will test them properly, with a dummy head.Marques Brownlee (MKBHD) said in his video Apple told him the sound is identical.
Marques Brownlee (MKBHD) said in his video Apple told him the sound is identical.
Just watched and this is true.Sound is the same. Confirmed by apple to MKHBD in his review.
Same old same old. Because the 1st gen don't fit my ears well, if I take my two index fingersand push them deeper into my head suddenly I can hear an extra octave of bass. Since the form factor of the second gen. is identical the same thing is true. Apple's "one size fits all" design philosophy really bites it. As the kids used to say, Powerbeats Pro rules, AirPod drools.Hello!
Lets do a little poll.
If you owned AirPods 1st Gen and upgraded....