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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jan 5, 2016
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I've been have a fairly consistent issue where the right airpod is not charging when I put it in the case. I generally won't notice it until I go to use them again and the right airpod will be almost dead whereas the left airpod will be fully charged. Anyone else having this kind of issue? Thinking of going to an apple store but I feel like the issue would be difficult to replicate at the store.


macrumors 601
Nov 17, 2017
How would it be hard to replicate? Just charge them overnight and then take them into the Apple store and show them when you take them out how one shows up as almost dead whereas the other is at 100%. And if they need to verify, they could put them back in the case and wait a few minutes and see themselves that the one AirPod isn't charging properly.

I have the Pros, not the 3s, but I haven't had this issue thankfully. Only issue I had once was my iPhone refused to connect to them, but that was remedied by a restart of the phone.


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2009
This happens to me periodically with my Pros. I usually stick a cue tip in there and wipe off the contacts and that fixes it for a while.
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