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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 14, 2012
So far I've been happy with the AirPods on my iOS devices but when I switched to my Mbp, I was horribly disappointed. Audio quality sounded like an AM radio. Searched here first but didn't find any posts on it. Fired up the google and came across a few articles and tried a couple of things. This worked for me:

In terminal

sudo killall coreaudiod
defaults write "Apple Bitpool Min (editable)" -int 90
sudo killall coreaudiod

I've tested this with the very large sample size of 1 so ymmv.
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Yes I've noticed that the audio quality through my MacBook Pro is poor compared to my iPhone 7 Plus and iPad Pro. I really hope they fix this through a software update as it's annoying. I don't want to go through the malarchy you mentioned to fix it.
Thanks for the help. I'm not sure what those terminal commands do, so I'll wait for more input.
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