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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 28, 2012
Over the last six months or so, my Airpods Max (and sometimes APP) have developed the habit of resetting their volume to 50% on reconnection to an iOS or MacOS device. In other words, this sequence:

1. connect APM to a device (e.g., iPhone)
2. set volume where I want it (say, 15% which isn't uncommon for me)
3. take off APM
4. reconnect a while later (say 15m)
5. the volume is automatically reset to 50%

If I reconnect quickly rather than a while later (e.g., 1m) it keeps the volume as it was. But over some threshold and it resets to 50%. When this happens, the only way to get it back down is to adjust the volume on the APM themselves. Adjustments on the phone will not lower the APM until I have adjusted them on the headphones at least once in that connection. The outcome of this bug is that if I reconnect to media I was formerly playing at, say 15% volume, on reconnection it automatically resumes play but at 50% volume -- usually blasting me out as a result. I also believe this bug is bypassing the headphone safety settings (which I have set at max 75dB volume), though I have no way to confirm this other than my own subjective ears.

I've hard reset the APM and deleted them from bluetooth on my phone, but no change.

Does anyone else see this? Any ideas for a fix to try?
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