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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 27, 2020
Hi folks,

recently I bought AE on ebay for spare parts - but when it came to new home, I just tried to turn it on and it did light up - blinking amber slowly ... so I was like - hah ?
It’s also broadcasting 2SSIDs - one of it is guest network - both are password protected, passwords are unknown to me or former owner ( the ones he provided are not working :/ )

I tried to reset it - no luck - it has 7.7.3 installed - I get the IP from all the ports except wan (which is ok) and 2nd from the top ( status green LED is always on on that port ) ... but the funny thing is that AE stops reacting to my attempts after 20-30 secs from boot-up. it is also not bridging the internet ( but old config can have whatever set up so no worry here) I still can see it in airport utility but cannot do anything ( error 6753, error 10057, ... ) so my question here is: can I try something here or should I hack into those wifis to get this funny box updated & working ?

any advice here is much appreciated in advance !
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