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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 26, 2018
Hey folks.

I'm after some advice. I currently have an Apple Airport Extreme as a router and a Virgin SuperHub acting as the modem for our fibre broadband.

I keep experiencing various problems with our internet and our wifi and I'm not sure where to begin in establishing whether the Airport Extreme is causing dropouts, or whether there's an issue with the modem.


my phone can be connected to wifi and in same room as the router but if I'm browsing social media it will just sporadically hang and take 10-15 seconds before then finally seeming to connect again.

keep getting booted from online games on the ps4 (the ps4 is hardwired through a powerline to the Airport Extreme and has been assigned a static IP and is put in DMZ)

It's just getting kinda frustrating, but I don't want to shell out for some mesh wifi system, or a better router, until I know for sure where the issue lies. Is there any advice anyone can give me about how to start isolating the problem?? I'm stumped as to what to do next.

Thanks in advance :)


macrumors 65816
Jul 30, 2009
I seem to recall seeing another Virgin user who discovered the Superhub the ISP provided is known for not playing well in Bridge mode with other routers behind it.

You might check if the ISP supports bringing your own modem. If not, you might be better off just using their router\modem.

Here in the US, modem\router rental fees pay for the device in about a year, then it is money in your pocket.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 26, 2018
Thank you! That's given me bit of an idea as to what might be causing the problems. I'll pursue it with Virgin. Much appreciated :)
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