Alcatel speed-touch USB problem
Hi everyone, need some assistance here!!
I installed Panther 10.3 today, or rather upgraded a G4 machine
with a 9. something OS X? bare with me!
I had broadband working on the old OS but as soon as I upgrade
with Panther , all hell breaks loose.
When I try and install the Speed-Touch drivers, it says they are already installed but continue anyway for a full installation?
I say yes, then says I must unpug the modem first then install the drivers, so I do that but the same error message keeps coming up.
When I go to set the modem up , it does not show up in the list?
I am a Windows XP man(sorry, yet to be converted) hoping to be
impressed with Panther but not yet.
I think I need to uninstall the modem drivers, reboot, install drivers then plug modem in, but can anyone tell me where the drivers are to uninstall and how to get there??
Windows version would be Control Panel/Add/Remove Progs.
Look forward to hearing from someone
Hi everyone, need some assistance here!!
I installed Panther 10.3 today, or rather upgraded a G4 machine
with a 9. something OS X? bare with me!
I had broadband working on the old OS but as soon as I upgrade
with Panther , all hell breaks loose.
When I try and install the Speed-Touch drivers, it says they are already installed but continue anyway for a full installation?
I say yes, then says I must unpug the modem first then install the drivers, so I do that but the same error message keeps coming up.
When I go to set the modem up , it does not show up in the list?
I am a Windows XP man(sorry, yet to be converted) hoping to be
impressed with Panther but not yet.
I think I need to uninstall the modem drivers, reboot, install drivers then plug modem in, but can anyone tell me where the drivers are to uninstall and how to get there??
Windows version would be Control Panel/Add/Remove Progs.
Look forward to hearing from someone