So a few days ago, here in the this iPad sub-forum I read up on Handbrake and absolutely love it. With Handbrake i've managed to get the ".dvdmedia" files that are under my Movies folder on my Mac, and have been able to convert the movie in question to a file that goes directly into my iTunes and hence directly into my iPad. Heaven.
*Disclaimer:I don't wanna turn this thread into anything illegal about ripping illegal movies and whatnot. I just wanna address and hopefully resolve the following:
My MBP has a good amount of movies, both family home filmed movies from my Flip Mino HD and also some DVD's I personally own. When I got these films onto my Mac the only program I knew of and could easily use was "RipIt" so the entire DVD in question was ripped. (Straight to the point) The reason I'm posting this here now is cause just about every "Rip" is eating up about 5GB-7GB's of space on my Mac, while i'm sure the movie itself should be no more than 2GBs.
My current process has been to use RipIt and then that .dvdmedia file goes through Handbrake, which tosses it out to iTunes and then finally to my iPad...but why not cut the middlemen out?
Example #1; Right now I have say "Back To The Future 4: Marty's Revenge" as a .dvdmedia on my MBP worth 7GBs. Then another 2GB's are created just for the movie when I use Handbrake; but I wouldn't mind just having one 2GB BTTF4 in iTunes so I could view it on my MBP and/or iPad.
How can I go about this?
I sure do hope the solution wouldn't be to use RipIt, then w/ the .dvdmedia file go through Handbrake to iTunes then delete the original .dvdmedia file.
*Disclaimer:I don't wanna turn this thread into anything illegal about ripping illegal movies and whatnot. I just wanna address and hopefully resolve the following:
My MBP has a good amount of movies, both family home filmed movies from my Flip Mino HD and also some DVD's I personally own. When I got these films onto my Mac the only program I knew of and could easily use was "RipIt" so the entire DVD in question was ripped. (Straight to the point) The reason I'm posting this here now is cause just about every "Rip" is eating up about 5GB-7GB's of space on my Mac, while i'm sure the movie itself should be no more than 2GBs.
My current process has been to use RipIt and then that .dvdmedia file goes through Handbrake, which tosses it out to iTunes and then finally to my iPad...but why not cut the middlemen out?
Example #1; Right now I have say "Back To The Future 4: Marty's Revenge" as a .dvdmedia on my MBP worth 7GBs. Then another 2GB's are created just for the movie when I use Handbrake; but I wouldn't mind just having one 2GB BTTF4 in iTunes so I could view it on my MBP and/or iPad.
How can I go about this?
I sure do hope the solution wouldn't be to use RipIt, then w/ the .dvdmedia file go through Handbrake to iTunes then delete the original .dvdmedia file.