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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 1, 2006
So back in Aug, I asked for advice on what lenses to bring on my trip 2-week long trip around Italy in September. I got a variety of answers at the time, but ended up bringing my 18-200VR and my Sigma 10-20mm for my D90. The 18-200 ended up staying on my camera 95% of the time.
Here are some of my shots all taken with the 18-200VR, except the last photo (more can be found at my zenfolio site in my signature below).

Please let me know what you guys think... what you liked, what you didn't like...etc. Thanks for looking! :)












macrumors member
Aug 15, 2009
Did you do anything special for the nice wide shot of the Flavian Amphitheatre?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 1, 2006
Wow. Thanks for the kinda words guys! I really wasn't expecting to get such positive comments!

To answer some of your questions...

#6 was taken on the island of Burano (known for their lace industry). It's a beautiful little island about 45min boat ride from Venice, with streets lined with multicoloured store fronts. It's a fantastic place to visit, especially if you're tired of all the tourists in Venice.

#7 was taken in Cinque Terre just west of the Tuscany region. It's a series of 5 small coastal towns, all joined by hiking trails. Takes about 5 hours to hike from the first town to the last, but unfortunately, it had rained quite heavily the night before, so only a small section of the trail was open to us. It's commonly regarded as one of the most beautiful regions in Italy. The photo below is the town of Vernazza, probably one of the nicer towns of Cinque Terre.



macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 1, 2006
Do you shoot in raw?

I shoot RAW and process in Aperture/Photoshop. Considering migrating to lightroom though since Aperture seems to be unable to efficiently handle my growing library. It's REALLY REALLY slow after a few simple edits... maybe I can use that as an excuse to get a Mac Pro...? :D

18-200VR is the perfect travel lens - the only one I take nowadays :)

I couldn't agree more. On a few trips now, I've brought the 18-200VR along with a couple other lenses and the 18-200 just says on my camera. I should probably bring just that lens and enjoy a lighter bag. I don't get why that lens gets such a bad rep... it's almost become a lens that's cool to hate.

Did you do anything special for the nice wide shot of the Flavian Amphitheatre?

The colliseum shot is a panorama, created by stitching together 6 shots taken in portrait orientation. Stitching and processing was done all in PS.

Little HZ

macrumors regular
Nov 15, 2008
New Mexico
These are terrific! They really make me want to go to Italy!

In the very first shot, I'd like to be able to see a LITTLE more detail in that dark shadow on left, if the available data would allow that ...


macrumors regular
Jan 17, 2008
Trophy Club, TX


Tell us why you used one lens so much and not the other

So back in Aug, I asked for advice on what lenses to bring on my trip 2-week long trip around Italy in September. I got a variety of answers at the time, but ended up bringing my 18-200VR and my Sigma 10-20mm for my D90. The 18-200 ended up staying on my camera 95% of the time.
Here are some of my shots all taken with the 18-200VR, except the last photo (more can be found at my zenfolio site in my signature below).

Please let me know what you guys think... what you liked, what you didn't like...etc. Thanks for looking! :)












macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 1, 2006
In the very first shot, I'd like to be able to see a LITTLE more detail in that dark shadow on left, if the available data would allow that ...

Yup... the data is available in there... I can most definitely pull out a little more detail from the shadows. I initially wanted to create a lot of contrast between the shadows and the sunny area, but maybe I over did it a tad? :)

The second and third shots do nothing for me, but the rest are excellent.

Thanks for your honest opinion! I really appreciate it! Is there anything you would recommend on how I can improve those photos? Or is it simply a non-compelling subject/composition?


Tell us why you used one lens so much and not the other

IMO, the 18-200VR is the most versatile nikon lens for DX. When traveling with my gf (who's not a big photog herself), I don't want to stop to change lenses all the time. When traveling and walking about, the 18-200VR covers most of my needs.. and I can focus on taking pictures rather than changing lenses. The only couple times I switched to the 10-20mm, was when 18mm wasn't wide enough to capture what I wanted... which happened maybe a few times only during the course of my 2 week long trip.
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