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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 28, 2009
I recently jailbroke my 2.2.1 iPhone 3G, and Installed SteffWiz, as I usually do when jailbreaking; but I did not recieve the "All Sources" package or any other things from the SteffWiz source. Anyone know how to get all of the possible cydia sources on 2.2.1? with an iphone 3G?
installing all of the cydia sources is a waste of time IMO. the only app you really need is installous.

you can SSH into your iPhone - drag and drop an .ipa and install from installous - no need to change permissions and do a bunch of scary stuff manually.
installing all of the cydia sources is a waste of time IMO. the only app you really need is installous.

you can SSH into your iPhone - drag and drop an .ipa and install from installous - no need to change permissions and do a bunch of scary stuff manually.

But where can you find those ipa files like 5 icon dock, cycorder, custom loga, custom wifi etc....just wondering. I hate all sources just like everybody, it takes forever for cydia to load.
I am currently searching "all sources" and "steffwiz" and nothing is showing up

EDIT: Besides the normal SteffWiz package
But where can you find those ipa files like 5 icon dock, cycorder, custom loga, custom wifi etc....just wondering. I hate all sources just like everybody, it takes forever for cydia to load.

yeah my cydia takes forever... i just do the popular sources. big boss, ripdev, etc.

if i want something i have heard about either on the web or MR - i just google for where the source is, install that SINGLE source and then install the app i want.

it makes sense too because there is about 30000000 theming packages if you install all of the sources.

'reloading' is very annoying
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