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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 22, 2014

I am working on my first app and am almost ready with it, except it needs little finishing in terms of UI and have to add unit tests. I would like it to submit the app to the app store. Since it's first time for me, am confused or need more info on some of the below questions:

- Testing - How do you test (like do you distribute the app to friends or test on your own) and how much time you spend testing your own app before submitting it to app store?

- Devices - I am presently using simulator and would be buying an Apple device to test my app on the device before I submit. However, presently I would only be able to buy one device, so how do you test if it works fine on all the devices?

You should always test on actual iOS devices before submitting an app to the App store. An iOS app runs completely different machine code (arm64, etc.) than does the Simulator (x86). You won't know if that code works until you test it. You should also test your app on the oldest slowest device and newest fastest device for which you offer your app (via Deployment Target and device requirements). If you don't have enough iOS devices, sent the app (Ad Hoc or TestFlight) to other people (friends, other developers, test consulting firms for hire, etc.) to test it for you.
- Testing - How do you test (like do you distribute the app to friends or test on your own) and how much time you spend testing your own app before submitting it to app store?
Of course you will test on your own. But better is to find a group of your target audience who will also test for you. This might be family/friends but if the app is targeted to a specific group (air plane pilots, engineers, nurses etc. you'll need to search for them). There's no specific time that's right for testing. It's until you feel confident that the app works, and then maybe a little more.

The devices problem works its way out if you have enough testers. Understand that there are obvious and non-obvious differences between the Sim and devices. Tapping buttons with the mouse in the Sim is much more precise than with your finger on a device. I've often found that fonts that look good on the Sim don't look good on the device.

Good luck.

I am working on my first app and am almost ready with it, except it needs little finishing in terms of UI and have to add unit tests. I would like it to submit the app to the app store. Since it's first time for me, am confused or need more info on some of the below questions:

- Testing - How do you test (like do you distribute the app to friends or test on your own) and how much time you spend testing your own app before submitting it to app store?

- Devices - I am presently using simulator and would be buying an Apple device to test my app on the device before I submit. However, presently I would only be able to buy one device, so how do you test if it works fine on all the devices?

I don't know if there is a service for this or if you can ask people for specific help on certain areas, but you might want to do a bunch of screen shots and show some people on various forums about how it's laid out. The reason I bring this up is that it seems there's a lot of time that can be spent going around with Apple over HIG/UI stuff.

If you post the pics somewhere, maybe here, some of the "old hands" can comment on if they think everything lines up right with the HIG/UI rules.

There's some services out there that chase bugs, but I don't know if they eval the UI too.

Congrats on your new app.
I don't know if there is a service for this ...

The local community college (and I'm sure many others) offers several courses on (PC, web, mobile) app testing. (procedures, thoroughness, replication, bug logging, documentation, and etc.) Courses offered supposedly because there are services that hire app test consultants.
The local community college (and I'm sure many others) offers several courses on (PC, web, mobile) app testing. (procedures, thoroughness, replication, bug logging, documentation, and etc.) Courses offered supposedly because there are services that hire app test consultants.
Can't say I'd be surprised that this would happen. Maybe that's the next thing, QA for apps. Just like UI/UX was something that every just did and it was everyone's job, now it's a speciality.

If the economy grows at 3+%, we could really see a huge boost in mobile tech.
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