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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 18, 2007
Does anyone know how to alphabetize a list in Pages? I can't find anything in the help menus or online. Each separate item on the list is a new line, so I don't know if it's a paragraph style I need?
How to alphabetize in pages!

If you wish to alphabetize a list in pages....

1. Make the list as below say it's names -


2. Insert a table on the page

3. Highlight the list of names and drag them into a box in the table - they should automatically each end up in their own box.

4. Go to the 'edit tool bar' and click on the table logo at the top, bringing up all the table edit options.

5. Select only one box in the table ie. the one at the top of the list.
Go to "Edit Rows & Columns" there is a drop down menu. This menu will allow you to 'sort ascending' 'sort descending' etc. Select which you would like.

6. Once the contents of the table are in the order you want, move the text out of the table and get rid of the table.
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Have no luck moving out of the table, back to regular text

If you wish to alphabetize a list in pages....

1. Make the list as below say it's names -


2. Insert a table on the page

3. Highlight the list of names and drag them into a box in the table - they should automatically each end up in their own box.

4. Go to the 'edit tool bar' and click on the table logo at the top, bringing up all the table edit options.

5. Select only one box in the table ie. the one at the top of the list.
Go to "Edit Rows & Columns" there is a drop down menu. This menu will allow you to 'sort ascending' 'sort descending' etc. Select which you would like.

6. Once the contents of the table are in the order you want, move the text out of the table and get rid of the table.

I have no luck selecting the contents of a table and moving it back to regular text. I can't believe Apple makes no easy way to just write a grocery list and select all, sort asend or desend. So every time you want to add to a list, you have to move the list into and out of a table? I'm shocked. So once I have the list asended or desended, I have tried selecting the table, coping it and , but all I get is another table, not the raw contents of the boxes.
You also could do this, if you've run AppleScript utility and have the AS menu in the menu bar.

Open your script editor and paste this file:

tell application "Pages"
	-- not a perfect solution, but a near-perfect one
	-- code stolen liberally from:
	set blob to the selection of document 1
	set blobY to paragraphs of text of blob
	set TID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {ASCII character 10}
	set blobList to (blobY as string)
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to TID
	set blobReplace to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of blobList & " | sort -f"
	set the selection of document 1 to blobReplace
end tell

The script should be saved in this folder: /Users/<user name>/Library/Scripts/Applications/Pages/

Now it will appear in the AppleScript menu, under "Pages Scripts"

Even better way ...

Open System Preferences
Open Keyboard
Select Keyboard Shortcuts tab
Select Services in left-hand pane
Scroll down to Text entry.

You'll see Sort Lines Ascending and Sort Lines Descending

Even better way ...

Open System Preferences
Open Keyboard
Select Keyboard Shortcuts tab
Select Services in left-hand pane
Scroll down to Text entry.

You'll see Sort Lines Ascending and Sort Lines Descending


I must be really blind...... I don't see this option..... *shrug*
Even better way ...

Open System Preferences
Open Keyboard
Select Keyboard Shortcuts tab
Select Services in left-hand pane
Scroll down to Text entry.

You'll see Sort Lines Ascending and Sort Lines Descending


I must be really blind...... I don't see this option..... *shrug*

Must be a Snow Leopard thing, I don't see it either. I'm at 10.5.8 ...

If I need an alphabetized list in Pages I do the Table Thing, but if I think I'll be needing to edit it, I keep the table but make all the lines invisible. Then you can add some rows and names, and re-sort whenever needed.
If you wish to alphabetize a list in pages....

1. Make the list as below say it's names -


2. Insert a table on the page

3. Highlight the list of names and drag them into a box in the table - they should automatically each end up in their own box.

4. Go to the 'edit tool bar' and click on the table logo at the top, bringing up all the table edit options.

5. Select only one box in the table ie. the one at the top of the list.
Go to "Edit Rows & Columns" there is a drop down menu. This menu will allow you to 'sort ascending' 'sort descending' etc. Select which you would like.

6. Once the contents of the table are in the order you want, move the text out of the table and get rid of the table.

Works in Numbers too... Sort Ascending is magic!
You also could do this, if you've run AppleScript utility and have the AS menu in the menu bar.

Open your script editor and paste this file:

tell application "Pages"
	-- not a perfect solution, but a near-perfect one
	-- code stolen liberally from:
	set blob to the selection of document 1
	set blobY to paragraphs of text of blob
	set TID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {ASCII character 10}
	set blobList to (blobY as string)
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to TID
	set blobReplace to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of blobList & " | sort -f"
	set the selection of document 1 to blobReplace
end tell

The script should be saved in this folder: /Users/<user name>/Library/Scripts/Applications/Pages/

Now it will appear in the AppleScript menu, under "Pages Scripts"


This script worked very well to sort the text, but the problem, as with WordServices, is that it doesn't keep any of the formatting, which is frustrating for a long bibliography in which certain things need to be italicised. I confess I know nothing about writing scripts, but is it possible in anyway to make it sort and keep those style features?
I think I have it...

Needing to find a way to alphabetize a list I had made in Pages, I first, of coarse, looked here in MacForums. Not finding what I wanted I proceeded to alphabetize the list the old fashion way. After I finished I decided I needed another column and clicked on the top of one of the columns. I'm not sure what this is called ... it was labeled according to each row: A,B, and C. (I only had the three columns to start with) Upon right clicking 'C' I saw that sure enough it gave me options of "sort ascending, sort descending". I could have clicked any of the rows and it would have given me the option of "sort ascending, sort descending". I hope I understood the question correctly.
Hope this helps someone else.
Now I hope I can remember this when I need it once again *wink.
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Installing WordService from Devon Technologies solved problem for me :)

Installing WordService from Devon Technologies solved this problem for me, had been bugging me for a while as I have just stopped using Word.

If you install after reading the 'read me' file first which tells you how to install and then follow these steps below it is easy to add a sort ascending, sort descending service to pages:

1. Open System Preferences
2. Open Keyboard
3. Select Keyboard Shortcuts tab
4. Select Services in left-hand pane
5. Scroll down to Text entry
6. You'll see Sort Lines Ascending and Sort Lines Descending - Tick boxes
The Easy Way (I guess...)

>highlight text/list
>Format>Table>Convert Text to Table
>Inspector>Table Tab>Edit Rows and Columns>Sort Ascending/Descending
>Format>Table> Convert Table to Text

Hope it helps! :)
Have no luck moving out of the table, back to regular text

I have no luck selecting the contents of a table and moving it back to regular text. I can't believe Apple makes no easy way to just write a grocery list and select all, sort asend or desend. So every time you want to add to a list, you have to move the list into and out of a table? I'm shocked. So once I have the list asended or desended, I have tried selecting the table, coping it and , but all I get is another table, not the raw contents of the boxes.

I can't believe it either. Such a simple function that old and crappy word document could do 20 years ago with a blink of eye. It is hard to believe that the "brilliant" people who are designing these programs and computers have not figure out that they make this function nearly impossible to figure it out. It is unacceptable that we have to create a table in order to make an alphabetical order.
How to alphabetize in pages!

If you wish to alphabetize a list in pages....

1. Make the list as below say it's names -


2. Insert a table on the page

3. Highlight the list of names and drag them into a box in the table - they should automatically each end up in their own box.

4. Go to the 'edit tool bar' and click on the table logo at the top, bringing up all the table edit options.

5. Select only one box in the table ie. the one at the top of the list.
Go to "Edit Rows & Columns" there is a drop down menu. This menu will allow you to 'sort ascending' 'sort descending' etc. Select which you would like.

6. Once the contents of the table are in the order you want, move the text out of the table and get rid of the table.
Holy cow, I could spend more time trying to figure out how to use this MacRumors than it took me to find the answer when I googled and found this forum. This answer helped save me many more hours of frustration. Thanks a bunch for your smartness!
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