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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 16, 2009
Is there an alternative to google reader to sync your rss feeds across the ios platform (iPhone, and iPad) and Mac osx

I searched and i don't see any alternatives.

I'm not completely against google, just i don't have a google acount becuase i have found no need for one so far, and if i can find an alternative it would be nice.

I posted in the iphone forum but everybody is hyped about iphone 4 (can't blame them:)) so no one bothered to even view my question.
So i would be great if someone could help

I think we have it sceduled as new features in United Reader. Sorry, not sure when it's available though.
Why don't you just create a Google account to use Google reader? If there was something else out there you would need to sign up anyway...
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