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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 29, 2010
Those that use GPush will have heard that the developer Tiverias Apps are pulling their GPush service as apparently they can't compete with the Google Gmail Service. Google however doesn't offer Alert Notifications as part of their Google App, only Badge Notifications.

Does anyone use a credible alternative whereby I can receive Alert Notifications when receiving email to my gmail account?

I don't want to have to forward mail, I just want an app that will detect when I receive new mail and ppost an onscreen alert.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
I'm looking for something similar. Not really interested in forwarding my email...GPush was nice because it didn't require you to forward your email.
Totally agree with you. Many out there seem to forward, which is not what I want or need. I undertand that Triverias are looking for a buyer so fingers crossed we might see them return. Their website has been taken down though so I've no way of checking of any progress.

Grateful to anyone who finds an alternative, but for now Google Badge notifications are rubbish!
I use Boxcar and I love it.

Unfortunately that requires you to forward your mail. Since you've bizzarely ruled that option out I guess you won't like it.

It's a shame because other than that it does exactly what you need.
iGmail has push notification very similar to GPush's as an in-app purchase that costs $3/yr.
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