Does an android tablet offer better movie experience than an ipad?
I think all codecs etc. (Ac3 also)
So far I have only owned apple tablets.
I now use my tablet for most stuff and only use laptop for photoshop, piracy and watching movies.
Sure there is some nice ios apps but I rarely use most of them.
I have given up on nice Ios games because 99% really suck and there is too much fremium going on in app store and far from enough quality games.
I would rather pay a fixed price for a game like x-com than in app purchase games that are made with the purchase as main skeleton.
The fact that some games like hayday offers stuff in their game that would cost more than 500$ In real money to buy makes me puke. Kids games on ipad reminds me more of slot machines for kids.
My experience with ipad is that only with a computer running itunes and movies compatible with itunes does the movie experience run without problems.
Movie apps on ios really suck and i dont want to use power running a computer to run a movie on ipad.
Now i use filebrowser and some movies i stream in movie apps like movieplayer, avplayer vlc and so on... The movie playback depending on movie and sound codec really vary.
Was waiting for the new ipad mini but really been wanting to break free from the apple enviroment and I hope an android tablet does internet searching just as good and also plays movies better than ipad.
I dont want to press play and prey anymore. I feel like apple has become a company that favors app developers and movie companys and not the user.
I think all codecs etc. (Ac3 also)
So far I have only owned apple tablets.
I now use my tablet for most stuff and only use laptop for photoshop, piracy and watching movies.
Sure there is some nice ios apps but I rarely use most of them.
I have given up on nice Ios games because 99% really suck and there is too much fremium going on in app store and far from enough quality games.
I would rather pay a fixed price for a game like x-com than in app purchase games that are made with the purchase as main skeleton.
The fact that some games like hayday offers stuff in their game that would cost more than 500$ In real money to buy makes me puke. Kids games on ipad reminds me more of slot machines for kids.
My experience with ipad is that only with a computer running itunes and movies compatible with itunes does the movie experience run without problems.
Movie apps on ios really suck and i dont want to use power running a computer to run a movie on ipad.
Now i use filebrowser and some movies i stream in movie apps like movieplayer, avplayer vlc and so on... The movie playback depending on movie and sound codec really vary.
Was waiting for the new ipad mini but really been wanting to break free from the apple enviroment and I hope an android tablet does internet searching just as good and also plays movies better than ipad.
I dont want to press play and prey anymore. I feel like apple has become a company that favors app developers and movie companys and not the user.