I've used Mariner Software's Paperless 1.3.0 product for around 1.5 years. Recently, they released version 2.0.4 as an upgrade before OS X Lion came out. I almost clicked, "upgrade" when I saw that they had a new version come out because I really liked their 1.3.0 release. However, I began to think to myself, "Wait a minute. You use this software daily. What if you download version 2.0.X and are unhappy with it?" So, I held off. I work in IT all day long and the last thing I want to do is to screw around fixing computers when I get off work (it's why I changed to the OS X platform to being with
I upgraded my computer to OS X Lion and wasn't too surprised to see that the 1.3.0 version of Paperless had issues with it. So, I decided to try the trial version of 2.0.4 Paperless. I soon discovered that it did in fact have multiple unresolved issues. I also read on their web site that Paperless 1.3.0 will not be compatible with Lion. So, this week, Mariner Software released Paperless 2.1. It appeared that it would fix the problems I had been having and it did fix the crashes. It didn't fix all of the issues and one issue in particular keeps the product from being practically functional.
So, how about it? Can anyone direct me to an easy to use substitute for Paperless?
I upgraded my computer to OS X Lion and wasn't too surprised to see that the 1.3.0 version of Paperless had issues with it. So, I decided to try the trial version of 2.0.4 Paperless. I soon discovered that it did in fact have multiple unresolved issues. I also read on their web site that Paperless 1.3.0 will not be compatible with Lion. So, this week, Mariner Software released Paperless 2.1. It appeared that it would fix the problems I had been having and it did fix the crashes. It didn't fix all of the issues and one issue in particular keeps the product from being practically functional.
So, how about it? Can anyone direct me to an easy to use substitute for Paperless?