Notice that there are
two different companies that sell a product called "The Print Shop"
The one you have, is the one originally sold under the Broderbund name - and is the one that you see on the App Store.
However, there is another product, also named The Print Shop, sold by Software Mackiev.
Check it out -
Both provide the classic greeting cards/signs/place cards/whatever else that kind of software might do.
The two products have similar results, but I don't think they share the same UI at all.
I've been using Software Mackiev's Print Shop for probably 10 years. It's at version 4.0.1
However, despite being a "major" update, released less than 2 years ago, it remains 32-bit software. I have had some conversation with Software Mackiev support about what the future holds. All I get is "we will decide if any change is needed"
BUT, I also remember reading somewhere that "The Print Shop" name has had some legal challenges, at least two companies claim to use the name, and that is perhaps blocking update progress. I don't know what's going to happen about that.
You might also find out that "The Print Shop" from Software Mackiev may not be available for sale, except to official educational institutions. This is possibly related to the legal problems with using the name. I'm not sure about that, and I have done a bit of searching about court cases, and similar kinds of news. It's not easy to find
Bottom line: right now, The Print Shop (wherever you get it) stops working on Macs with Catalina. I like Print Shop, using it for more than 30 years, since Commodore 64 days.
Try complaining directly to the support site for whichever Print Shop you use . Maybe it only needs one more person to get things moving.