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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 23, 2003
Hey all

I'm sick to death of safari - i've been getting loads of errors, problems etc. with it (lets not go into that though) and am looking for an alternative browser.

So far i've tried FireFox -- very fast (gecko), but the form controls look _awful_.

Camino -- perfect, but the current nightly build (although very stable) has a bug which makes it use all your CPU. Older nightly builds crash all the time.

Opera -- annoyed the hell out of me.

Any suggestions?

I want something that uses the OS X widgets in forms -- OS X aqua buttons etc.
You could try OmniWeb 5 - imo it sucks bad, but there we go. I'd stick with a gecko based browser and hope that Camino bug gets fixed.
Duff-Man says...the other choice not mentioned so far is OmniWeb (edit...just mentioned as i was typing)...but I think that your Safari issues can probably be fixed up with a bit of troubleshooting - I find it to be my fave and fastest/most stable browser....FireFox is my "back-up" and Omni is my just-in-case....oh yeah!
have you tried plain old mozilla? personally i think firefox would be second to safari. the only problems i have with safari are the occasional not being compatible and being slow with like 12 tabs open (but that's expected with safari, mail, itunes, ichat, and ical not to mention 12 webpages loading...)
maybe you could elaborate on your problems. safari, ie, camino, mozilla, and firefox are basically the heavyweights. you could try, probably not worth it though, to look for browsers on versiontracker...

the problems i've been having with safari are:

'localized string not found' for almost every menu item, even after reinstalling safari


safari just deciding at random intervals that there is no network connection, and won't load any sites until it is restarted.

...any suggestions?
tek said:
the problems i've been having with safari are:

'localized string not found' for almost every menu item, even after reinstalling safari

What are your language preferences set at? Have you saved disc space by removing all the localizations?
nope, it' a default install (and a known bug with OS 10.3.3)
Safari and Firefox are both top-rate browsers. For every day use, you won't find anything better, imo
safari rocks. . . .except when i visit a web site that says 'you are not using the current version of M$ internet explorer please bend over and break out the vasaline cause our company only likes M$'

when that happens mozilla usually works. though there have been a couple of times ive had to break out the old windows machine to pay bills (its always some weird security issue with loging in to a dumb web site. when i get home ill mention which one)
The only other browser I can think of that hasn't already been named is iCab. I've never tried it though, so that's only marginally helpful.

Mozilla/Camino would always crash on me when trying to use AOL's webmail...more likely AOL's fault than theirs, but still a deal-killer. I now use Safari and have no problems. Of course, I haven't updated either machine to 10.3....heck, the TiBook's still running Jaguar.
Don't forget Netscape

Netscape! I use it on OS9 but I am pretty sure there is a X version.

I think it is very good - it does everything I need, displays web pages very well, fast, stable.

I know that there are tons of X browsers out there, many of which are excellent, however don't forget Netscape - its worth a go! :)
tom.96 said:
Netscape! I use it on OS9 but I am pretty sure there is a X version.

I think it is very good - it does everything I need, displays web pages very well, fast, stable.

I know that there are tons of X browsers out there, many of which are excellent, however don't forget Netscape - its worth a go! :)

youre kidding, right? LOL anyway, im with them^^^ i would go with safari, then firefox, and then try plain mozilla (yes im aware that they were created by the ppl who originally created netscape...). otherwise i dont know
rueyeet said:
The only other browser I can think of that hasn't already been named is iCab. I've never tried it though, so that's only marginally helpful.

iCab is out of date and doesn't have a good rendering engine. No tabs, popup blocking, search bar, etc. The only feature it has that (I think) other browsers don't is an error checker. Unfortunately, it is not very reliable and often reports errors that don't exist (so just use instead).

The only other one I know of that hasn't been mentioned is a new one called TrailBlazer. Overall, it needs a lot of work, although it has an innovative view of history. I posted a mini review in this thread. It has been suggested that this browser would be better as a plugin.

Of the 9 browsers I now have (I don't have Camino, the download on the site doesn't seem to work at the moment :confused: ), I'd rate Safari and Firefox as the best, down to iCab and TrailBlazer as the worst.
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