Hey all
I'm sick to death of safari - i've been getting loads of errors, problems etc. with it (lets not go into that though) and am looking for an alternative browser.
So far i've tried FireFox -- very fast (gecko), but the form controls look _awful_.
Camino -- perfect, but the current nightly build (although very stable) has a bug which makes it use all your CPU. Older nightly builds crash all the time.
Opera -- annoyed the hell out of me.
Any suggestions?
I want something that uses the OS X widgets in forms -- OS X aqua buttons etc.
I'm sick to death of safari - i've been getting loads of errors, problems etc. with it (lets not go into that though) and am looking for an alternative browser.
So far i've tried FireFox -- very fast (gecko), but the form controls look _awful_.
Camino -- perfect, but the current nightly build (although very stable) has a bug which makes it use all your CPU. Older nightly builds crash all the time.
Opera -- annoyed the hell out of me.
Any suggestions?
I want something that uses the OS X widgets in forms -- OS X aqua buttons etc.