Hi all:
I've long wanted to put together a HTPC and have been prepping by converting my video library to digital using handbrake for some time now. I keep everything on a small external hard drive that I take with me when I travel to watch on my netbook. I'd love to be abel to watch these movies on my home TV.
here's the catch, I don't really have the need for an apple tv or a full on HTPC. I don't even have internet at my house, so the benefits seem to be outweighed by the cost. Does anyone know of any alternatives?
I've been looking at things such as the Western Digital HD TV Live. But am wondering what else might be out there, and what you all think.
I'm basically looking or soemthing that will let me watch my converted movies, maybe listen to some music, etc.. In the future I may end up with internet at the house, but its not really on my radar at the moment, so streaming, itunes purchasing/renting, etc... really isn't at the top of my list. Thoughts? Thanks!
I've long wanted to put together a HTPC and have been prepping by converting my video library to digital using handbrake for some time now. I keep everything on a small external hard drive that I take with me when I travel to watch on my netbook. I'd love to be abel to watch these movies on my home TV.
here's the catch, I don't really have the need for an apple tv or a full on HTPC. I don't even have internet at my house, so the benefits seem to be outweighed by the cost. Does anyone know of any alternatives?
I've been looking at things such as the Western Digital HD TV Live. But am wondering what else might be out there, and what you all think.
I'm basically looking or soemthing that will let me watch my converted movies, maybe listen to some music, etc.. In the future I may end up with internet at the house, but its not really on my radar at the moment, so streaming, itunes purchasing/renting, etc... really isn't at the top of my list. Thoughts? Thanks!