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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 25, 2008
Before the last update to the Imacs I went to the apple store many times to try them out and thought that the keyboard was really nice. Very little pressure required to push the keys and the short throws was great. Two weeks ago I bought my 24 inch imac and the keys are much harder to push. It is similar, but a little less than what is required to click the apple mouse. Because I have tendonitus in my fingers and wrist this was a problem. So I went to a best buy to try other keyboards. They had 3 imac keyboards on display and all three had keys that were easy to push.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Have the keys on the aluminum keyboard gotten harder to push or are there different suppliers? Some easy, some harder?
I'm a first time (well, since 1994) Mac user, and just bought an alu iMac 5 days ago. I've got carpal tunnel in my right hand, and although I find the 'Mighty Mouse' irritating, the aluminum keyboard is a joy to use, and the keys not hard to press. Perhaps there is a difference in operating position/angle between your hhome use and that at the store? Height of chair/desk, etc?

I actually find the alum keyboard keys a breeze to type over. Less stress than a normal, say my logitech keyboard at work or my dell laptop. When I use the alum keyboard I feel I'm not needing to apply to much pressure on the keys at all. I went to the Apple store recently and played with the iMac cuz my kids wanted to play with it and the keyboard was the same there.

Don't know what to add but maybe it's mental? dirt in keys? or your position?
Never noticed that

I actually find the alum keyboard keys a breeze to type over. Less stress than a normal, say my logitech keyboard at work or my dell laptop. When I use the alum keyboard I feel I'm not needing to apply to much pressure on the keys at all. I went to the Apple store recently and played with the iMac cuz my kids wanted to play with it and the keyboard was the same there.

Don't know what to add but maybe it's mental? dirt in keys? or your position?

I did find that the mouse button/s is/are hard to push but the keyboard is fine - just the right level of sensitivity.
I did find that the mouse button/s is/are hard to push but the keyboard is fine - just the right level of sensitivity.

Now the mouse was a different transition for me. Getting the left click was pretty easy and smooth (to me) but the right click took some adjustment, position of hand/fingers to get it right every time. I actually abandon'd my mighty mouse for a logitch (without any logi drivers) because I didn't like the way the mighty mouse was. I'm not bashing it, but it just wasn't for me. I got one to give it a fair shot using it thinking I would make a fair attempt to try to get used to it and giving myself the whole Mac experience, but found it wasn't for me.

I do however miss the scroll wheel sometimes. I think their scroll wheel was smooth and nice, kinda like flicking with a finger on the iPhone but as with most people, I'm mouse picky and certain things are a tad more important especially clicking ease.
my keyboard was like that, too, but the key presses are easy now. it definitely takes some time to break in. give it a few weeks (days maybe with heavy use?).
Ya now that I think about it my keys seem to be easier to press now too. Guess they needed some time to loosen up or maybe I'm just used to them now. The only problem though is now i can't type on the old style keyboards, they just feel bad.
Thanks for all the responses!

I hope it does loosen up over time. When I went to best buy this last weekend I did try to get in the same typing position like at home and the 3 keyboards I demoed were still VERY easy to type on.

So I won't give up on it just yet.
Both the mouse and keyboard take some time to adjust. Then it's a breeze. Plus, I've turned off the side buttons of the mighty mouse. It will make right clicking much easier since I always seemed to be pressing the side buttons.
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