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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 26, 2014
Hello! I just received my new 2020 27" iMac customized with a 1TB SSD. When I unboxed it, I noticed below the screen bezel where the display meets the aluminum housing that there's this rough area that sticks out and is reflecting the light. It's really noticeable, but so far seems to be cosmetic as it's not affecting the display.

Could this just be due to a bad display assembly process? Is there a recommended way to lessen the look of it? Or just deal with it the way that it is? It would be a hassle for me to return it as I ordered it customized online and the Apple Stores near me have limited availability.

Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks!


Juicy Box

macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2014
My BTO Late 2012 27" iMac has some slight imperfections when it came to the machining around the display. I purchased it during launch day.

I was annoyed, but ultimately didn't return it.

At the time, it was reported on MR and other places that Apple was having a hard time producing the laminated displays, and there was only like 40% yield passing their quality control.

Shipping times were increasing, and at one point, it was a few months out.

I purchased my iMac on launch day, which IIRC was the beginning of Oct 2012, and it was delivered a few days after Christmas. I already waited a few months, and I was worried that if I returned it, I would be waiting even longer, so I kept it.
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 12, 2013
The fact that you took a picture of it means you are going to fixate on it. The question is, whether you are willing to accept having paid full price for a dinged product or not.

Some people are in such a hurry to have the new toy that they are willing to overlook the defect. Others are quick to slap a return label on it and get what they purchased... a brand new pristine product.

Only you can answer the question of whether to ship it back or not.

People put stickers on dings on their cars... don't know if that really hides the defect as much as turn it into a badge of honor.
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