Folks, folks... I'm the guy with the 7 year old, 20 gig, 512 mg of ram Dell who was about to buy the 24" iMac 3 weeks ago. It took them 2 weeks to mail it out but I never accepted delivery due to finding this site and learning about the potential new iMacs coming out.
Glad I waited. So, they're obviously here, and the 27-inch: 3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2560 x 1440 resolution, 4GB memory, 1TB hard drive1 (YEAHHH!), 8x double-layer SuperDrive, ATI Radeon HD 4670 graphics with 256MB is all a guy like me could dream of. To paraphrase the old Jessica Simpson Dish TV ad "I don't even know what any of that stuff is, but I want it." As I've posted before, I simply surf the internet, email, download about 500 pics a year onto my hard-drive, type Word documents, Excel spreadsheets once in a blue moon, and Powerpoint presentations once every 6 months or so. No games, no video editing, no photoshopping, nothing else. All I need is an old 20" iMac, I'm sure, but this new 27" seems like the one to get.
I've pretty much decided to get it, even though it's yet another $172 more than a $1299 refurb 24" "old one" that I was stretching to buy. I realize that the refurb 24" cost will probably go down soon to $1000-1100 in the next few weeks. It would cost me $1599 then for the new 27" 3.06Ghz w/my educational discount, free wireles keyboard and nicer mouse instead of the $69 and $59 for the old refurb wireless versions (yahooo!), and I'd have the latest and the greatest iMac, for at least... 6 months
I was wondering - if I have all my documents on Word, about 100 of them, am I better off spending the $145 to get the Microsoft Suite or is iWorks for $41 a better bet? The guy on the phone from Apple today said that they'll teach me how to use iWorks with my 1-1 membership I'm getting when I get the new machine. Is this the way to go, to get the iWorks? Will my documents transfer over smoothly? My friend said for simplicity sake, stick with the much more expensive Microsoft Suite of Word, Excel and Powerpoint so the transition is easier. Thoughts on this? I'd be happy saving $100 by sticking with iWorks, with that savings paying for the 1-1 membership. The 1-1 classes sound pretty cool, too. I'm getting it for $99 for the data transfer. It's just easier for me since I'm a computer newbie, to transfer all my files, pics, docs, etc to my new iMac from my old Dell.
So it stacks up like this: $1599 iMac 27" edu discount
$ 119 AppleCare w/edu discount
$ 99 1-1
$ 41 iWorks preinstalled
= $ 1858 plus tax
I save on the wireless keyboard and mouse over the 24" unit, which is really nice. And, I get the new mouse which I hope I'll like. I have to trust Apple in this dept that they built a great product, I'm sure they did.
My question is, am I the ONLY one around here that's just over the moon excited by their basic, stripped down, bottom of the barrel, simplistic, 27" machine? I say this tongue in cheek because compared to what I'm using now, it's SOOOOOO much nicer. And, it appears to be alot nicer than the 24" for a total of about $200 more than the 24". Bigger and newer is worth $200, right? Also, is the back of the new iMac really all aluminum like the Apple Website implies? "Seamless enclosure. While you’ll find a collection of ports on the back of iMac, you won’t find much else. A seamless, precision-forged enclosure makes the back one continuous aluminum surface." That's really cool if it is. Isn't that what you folks were hoping for on the new model? Didn't many of you complain about the black plastic on the "old" 24"?
I sure hope it's not TOO big for my desk. My desk is pretty big so I shouldn't worry that much. I find it amazing that there's so many wealthy people on this site that can afford the more expensive Quad Core machine without blinking an eye, instead of the stipper model. To be honest, I really can't easily afford the extra $300 for the Quad Core machine. I hope I'm not sorry for my decision down the line. I plan on keeping this iMac for 10+ years. As you can see from my Dell, I rarely get rid of machines. The only reason I'm upgrading now is because my Dell processes everything so slowly. It's amazing it's lasted this long without needing any major repair.
So, anyone else out there as excited as I am over the barebones base model new iMac 27"? Or am I the only one around here getting this stripper model?
Steve R
Glad I waited. So, they're obviously here, and the 27-inch: 3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2560 x 1440 resolution, 4GB memory, 1TB hard drive1 (YEAHHH!), 8x double-layer SuperDrive, ATI Radeon HD 4670 graphics with 256MB is all a guy like me could dream of. To paraphrase the old Jessica Simpson Dish TV ad "I don't even know what any of that stuff is, but I want it." As I've posted before, I simply surf the internet, email, download about 500 pics a year onto my hard-drive, type Word documents, Excel spreadsheets once in a blue moon, and Powerpoint presentations once every 6 months or so. No games, no video editing, no photoshopping, nothing else. All I need is an old 20" iMac, I'm sure, but this new 27" seems like the one to get.
I've pretty much decided to get it, even though it's yet another $172 more than a $1299 refurb 24" "old one" that I was stretching to buy. I realize that the refurb 24" cost will probably go down soon to $1000-1100 in the next few weeks. It would cost me $1599 then for the new 27" 3.06Ghz w/my educational discount, free wireles keyboard and nicer mouse instead of the $69 and $59 for the old refurb wireless versions (yahooo!), and I'd have the latest and the greatest iMac, for at least... 6 months
I was wondering - if I have all my documents on Word, about 100 of them, am I better off spending the $145 to get the Microsoft Suite or is iWorks for $41 a better bet? The guy on the phone from Apple today said that they'll teach me how to use iWorks with my 1-1 membership I'm getting when I get the new machine. Is this the way to go, to get the iWorks? Will my documents transfer over smoothly? My friend said for simplicity sake, stick with the much more expensive Microsoft Suite of Word, Excel and Powerpoint so the transition is easier. Thoughts on this? I'd be happy saving $100 by sticking with iWorks, with that savings paying for the 1-1 membership. The 1-1 classes sound pretty cool, too. I'm getting it for $99 for the data transfer. It's just easier for me since I'm a computer newbie, to transfer all my files, pics, docs, etc to my new iMac from my old Dell.
So it stacks up like this: $1599 iMac 27" edu discount
$ 119 AppleCare w/edu discount
$ 99 1-1
$ 41 iWorks preinstalled
= $ 1858 plus tax
I save on the wireless keyboard and mouse over the 24" unit, which is really nice. And, I get the new mouse which I hope I'll like. I have to trust Apple in this dept that they built a great product, I'm sure they did.
My question is, am I the ONLY one around here that's just over the moon excited by their basic, stripped down, bottom of the barrel, simplistic, 27" machine? I say this tongue in cheek because compared to what I'm using now, it's SOOOOOO much nicer. And, it appears to be alot nicer than the 24" for a total of about $200 more than the 24". Bigger and newer is worth $200, right? Also, is the back of the new iMac really all aluminum like the Apple Website implies? "Seamless enclosure. While you’ll find a collection of ports on the back of iMac, you won’t find much else. A seamless, precision-forged enclosure makes the back one continuous aluminum surface." That's really cool if it is. Isn't that what you folks were hoping for on the new model? Didn't many of you complain about the black plastic on the "old" 24"?
I sure hope it's not TOO big for my desk. My desk is pretty big so I shouldn't worry that much. I find it amazing that there's so many wealthy people on this site that can afford the more expensive Quad Core machine without blinking an eye, instead of the stipper model. To be honest, I really can't easily afford the extra $300 for the Quad Core machine. I hope I'm not sorry for my decision down the line. I plan on keeping this iMac for 10+ years. As you can see from my Dell, I rarely get rid of machines. The only reason I'm upgrading now is because my Dell processes everything so slowly. It's amazing it's lasted this long without needing any major repair.
So, anyone else out there as excited as I am over the barebones base model new iMac 27"? Or am I the only one around here getting this stripper model?
Steve R