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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 29, 2004
Hey all-
I'm looking to enter some amateur photo contests. I can't really find anything though... seems every legit one that i come accross turns out to be a $150 buy-your-own-certificate if you win kind of thing... which sounds to me like it's more of an opportunity for them to make money than an actual contest. I'm sure many of you have taken part in one or two, and please share! I'd love to enter some of my work.

P.S. check it out at my website below, tell me what you think!


macrumors 68000
Jan 24, 2006
I like some of the pictures, especially the one that's your avatar right now. I think the site could use work though. It's very hard to make out what the things say.


Moderator emeritus
Oct 8, 2002
The Bamboo Forest
calebjohnston said:
I like some of the pictures, especially the one that's your avatar right now. I think the site could use work though. It's very hard to make out what the things say.

Especially if you're color blind... I still have no idea what the top link says and I'm not even sure I would've found the links if the images hadn't been slow to load...

But... nice photos. :)


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 29, 2004
SilentPanda said:
Especially if you're color blind... I still have no idea what the top link says and I'm not even sure I would've found the links if the images hadn't been slow to load...

But... nice photos. :)
Thanks for the constructive criticism. Just want to prevent this thread from becoming a site feedback form, the main purpose is still to find photo contests.


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
pdpfilms said:
Thanks for the constructive criticism. Just want to prevent this thread from becoming a site feedback form, the main purpose is still to find photo contests.

My advice on finding photo contests is to make sure to thoroughly read through the rules.

Reason is that most of these "contests" are effectively trolls. Sure, they might offer some prize candy, but down in the fine print, they usually state that a condition of entry is a delegation of your copyright to them for unlimited rights.

And this applies to *ALL* images submitted - - not just the so-called "winners".

Personally, I don't enter many contests anymore. Those that I do are really just those that are part of a local photo club, which actually provide very good (and live) feedback about what was good/bad about the submission.



macrumors regular
Nov 19, 2003
Have you tried

It may not be exactly what you are looking for but you will get lots of good feedback if nothing else.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
SilentPanda said:
Especially if you're color blind... I still have no idea what the top link says and I'm not even sure I would've found the links if the images hadn't been slow to load...

But... nice photos. :)

The music is annoying though. I hate sites with music, especially when it interferes with my iTunes. Flaming Lips on iTunes, and Bonobo from his website don't mix.

Oh, and don't enter photo contests unless they're larger, legit ones organized by a place you trust.
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