I was really looking forward to the App Store as Apple was only accepting developers who they thought could really make some really great apps. At least, thats what it sounded like.
Now that the App Store is launched, I have to say I am completely overwhelmed at the amount of crap that launched with the App Store. Many have completely useless purposes (see how long you can hold down a button app???), hideous custom UIs when Apple provided you with all the tools to make a great UI, or repeat apps that are all basically identical (how many tip calculators are necessary to launch an app store? apparently about 12.)
It seems like some developers just threw whatever they could come up with into the App Store before launch so they would have something in there for July 11th.
That's not to say there aren't some amazing apps up there - Dizzy Bee, FileMagnet, Midomi, Things, Trism, Urbanspoon - are some incredible apps and make me very happy to see.
I was honestly just completely surprised to see that what I thought would be a repertoire of fantastic stamp-of-Apple-approval applications is, in reality, a list of 50-75 great apps mixed with 450 filler apps that could definitely have used another month or two of work.
Now that the App Store is launched, I have to say I am completely overwhelmed at the amount of crap that launched with the App Store. Many have completely useless purposes (see how long you can hold down a button app???), hideous custom UIs when Apple provided you with all the tools to make a great UI, or repeat apps that are all basically identical (how many tip calculators are necessary to launch an app store? apparently about 12.)
It seems like some developers just threw whatever they could come up with into the App Store before launch so they would have something in there for July 11th.
That's not to say there aren't some amazing apps up there - Dizzy Bee, FileMagnet, Midomi, Things, Trism, Urbanspoon - are some incredible apps and make me very happy to see.
I was honestly just completely surprised to see that what I thought would be a repertoire of fantastic stamp-of-Apple-approval applications is, in reality, a list of 50-75 great apps mixed with 450 filler apps that could definitely have used another month or two of work.