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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 6, 2015
Central Michigan
All my PowerPC projects! :)

Tiger Sierra Theme
Before LeopardRebirth was out, I was making a Sierra theme for personal use. Once LeopardRebirth came out, some people requested a Sierra Theme for Tiger. It wasn't hard to adapt my theme to Tiger, so I did that and released it. Get it on the PPCAppStore! :)

PowerPC Starting Software
Originally called "Software to Get You Started (PowerPC)", this single download has essential PPC software such as TFF, LWK, CorePlayer, PPCAppStore, etc.. I plan to keep it up to date with the latest versions of everything.

Up-to-Date Leopard Image
This doesn't have a real name yet, but basically the idea is a .dmg file that you can restore a partition/hard drive from. Once you go through the restore process, you will have a Leopard installation that has all updates installed, as well as the latest version of "PPC Starting Software", so you can pick out some software to install without having to download it.

PowerPC Software Collection
This is just an idea and I don't know exactly how I'll do it yet. Basically, it's a collection of PPC software that anyone can contribute to easily. It'll start out empty, but anyone can easily, in just a few seconds, add a PPC app. If everyone contributes some PowerPC applications to this collection, it'll be huge with more apps than any single person can collect.

Drag 'n' drop apps into it, and download from what other people have added. I still have to figure out the best way to do this, and figure out how to get around some problems like duplicate apps. But it should come out eventually, even if not for a year.

iOX Theme
With @Goftrey's permission, I'm continuing his iOX theme from 2014. The theme installs an iOS7-style loginwindow, dock, and icons. I'll be adding on with additional features. :)

Panther Market
My first PPC project was the Leopard Market, but there's no point in that now because of the PPCStore and PPCAppStore. Then I wanted to create a Tiger Market, but the PPCAppStore works on Tiger too. And I have no intention to compete with the PPCAppStore; it's going to become my main way of distributing software! :)

But with my recent interest in Panther, I figured I could create a Panther Market. App Store for Panther. Still collecting a list of apps for it, so it's not officially in development yet, but you'll see it in some form or another by the end of 2017, I hope.

Priority List
I have a list of these projects organized by priority; I'll work on the top of the list first, and then work my way down. Here's that list:
Tiger Sierra Theme Released!
PowerPC Starting Software
Leopard Image
Panther Market
PowerPC Software Collection
Last edited:


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 6, 2015
Central Michigan
The Tiger Sierra Theme will be released in 2 days now! Currently writing the Read Me, finishing the installer, and then it'll be good to go. :)


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 6, 2015
Central Michigan
Added a section for the "PowerPC Software Collection", a new project I'm working on! If you have any good ideas on how to do it, write them here.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 6, 2015
Central Michigan
Added iOX.
[doublepost=1495409330][/doublepost]Also added a Priority List and (I really feel the need to create an app store, don't I?) the Panther Market! :)


macrumors newbie
Dec 31, 2016
Added iOX.
[doublepost=1495409330][/doublepost]Also added a Priority List and (I really feel the need to create an app store, don't I?) the Panther Market! :)

Software to get started ppc is great idea. I support it. Many of people who will start with ppc could stuck with searching for a software that is needed for work on it.
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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 6, 2015
Central Michigan
Software to get started ppc is great idea. I support it. Many of people who will start with ppc could stuck with searching for a software that is needed for work on it.
Thanks. :) I've decided I'm making Leopard, Tiger, and Panther versions. I'm just waiting for the website I registered to become available to me. I think somebody has to confirm it or something.


macrumors 6502
Oct 29, 2014
Oregon North Coast
Thanks. :) I've decided I'm making Leopard, Tiger, and Panther versions. I'm just waiting for the website I registered to become available to me. I think somebody has to confirm it or something.
This is actually pretty cool. I have Leopard and Tiger running on a lot of other old Macs. I've decided to stop fighting to get Leopard on my upgraded 7600 (which probably wouldn't run well anyway, despite pretty much maxing out the hardware updates) and I'm getting ready (now!) to install Panther instead along side Tiger and five other pre-OS X system versions. I don't have Panther running anywhere right now, and this ancient Mac is the most logical candidate.
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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 6, 2015
Central Michigan
Made a decision for the Leopard Image.

I'll set up a fresh install of Leopard. I'll install the updates and apps. The account I use will be called "Admin" with password "admin".

Then I'll delete the AppleSetupDone file in Single User Mode and shut off the Mac. I'll boot it into TDM and copy the contents to a DMG using another computer.

When that's done, any computer restored from the .dmg should boot into the setup screen, so you can set up a personal account. The Admin one can stay for troubleshooting.

I have a lot of different opinions on this, and I hope this is a good compromise. This decision is final, so don't tell me what you think would be better. I'm doing this.
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